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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Just been reading all your lovely meals tonight. I went to a 60th birthday afternoon tea at the birthday girls house. Such a lovely afternoon and stuffed myself with loverly sarnies, scones cream, jam and cakes. Now I can hardly move! I bought mushrooms to stuff for tonight’s dinner but too full up and Mr Shadders is out so not eating anything. May have my goody bag cake later. I haven’t gone off any food, didn’t on chemo either so still a fatty boom boom! But I’m happy and eat fairly healthily usually. 
    Ellie I love The Green Mile too but couldn’t watch it over and over. I fancy going to see Indiana Jones at the cinema. I could watch The Blues Brothers again and again. Other faves are Sleepless in Seattle and when Harry Met Sally

    love Jac x

  • That is the main thing to be happy, if i lost weight, everyone would think something wrong, so i do it on purpose, eat healthy then rubbish, xxx

  • My bloods have been good for the last 7 years, so that cannot be bad, Says me with my glass of red. lol 

  •  Then eat a chocolate biscuit  lol lol xx

  • LOL i do not watch it over and over, must have seen it about 7 times, do not pass it by, when on tv. xxxx

  • Oh I need to chill then Sunglasses Joy I can’t drink wine Sob xxx


  • Oh Msg, every one does what they think maybe right, i was only saying, what i have learnt along the way, Well i cannot drink wine, ny glass is now empty lol

  • Good Morning all my fan's, I'm posting again I'm happy you have managed to Keep the thread going, for me, I haven't read the last 2week I've been away just part of yesterday.

    Judy my spouse drinks alcohol free wine, as the real stuff play's havoc with her diabetes, if I'm drinking next day I drink Guinness zero zero.

    Bengalimum32 hello and welcome, but sorry you have to be here.

    Hi Lady Ellie and Annette thanks for keeping in touch with me, much appreciated.

    Big hugs to everyone Heart decoration

  • Aww good to have you back with us Ulls. I do drink non alcoholic wine but I haven't been able to find the Guinness zero zero.

    Well, it's ground hog day for me. Body Conditioning class and Deaf Church this afternoon...on day 3 after chemo!!! I soldier on as we all do my pals. xxxxx


  • Try ASDA that's where I get mine.