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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Have a lovely evening Bev, birthday wishes to your son. Your kitten sounds loverly xx


  • I no where you are coming from, though i was told when on entrapment, all healthy eating goes by the book, you eat what ever you fancy, , which suited me, think i have just carried it on though xxxx

  • That word is treament my eyes  sod them xx

  • Now I’m torn! I google for the best food to eat for cancer. Maybe I’m a bit over the top! But eating loads of veg makes me think I’m helping myself feel better.  every now and then I’ll treat myself to some comfort food Wink xxx


  • Again i see where you are coming from, though when having treatment a lot lose their appetite, and do not fancy things, so what you fancy, even cream cakes chocolate, is better  than nothing, like adding cream to soups and such like,

    I went of loads of things i have eaten for years, always a coffee drinker,  no more till this year made me found other things.

    I know what you are saying, i understand, though, you have to be careful and not lose to much weight, hence eat more calorie's, if you understand, where i am coming from, lol

    I know where i would like to go ,lol lol xxx

  •  I was told what you have said at the beginning. And I did all those things as I lost weight rapidly. Have put most of it back on now  

    Yes, it’s the battle of the wills with my stomach! I tell it what it’s got to eat! But do we have to make sure what we eat helps our bloods passing? X


  • Everyones meal ideas sound interesting, might try some of them :) Today i had a creamy brocolli soup. Being Asian ive managed to cut down slightly on my rice, sugar and wheat intake and spicy foods. Since chemo started last year i can only eat really mild kid level stuff. I manged to lose a little bit in weight but ive put it back on again with being tired and lack of movement. My mum keeps bringing me organic vegetables and snacking nuts forcing me to be healthy when all i want to eat is a chocolate biscuit lol

  • I was being flippant Judy, of course you should eat well if possible.

    I try to avoid green stuff but Chutney Pickle always keeps an eye on me.

    If I had life insurance she would le let me eat, smoke and drink to as much as I wanted, would encourage me I expect!

  • I will look up a recipe for creamy broccoli soup, sounds nice. Or is your recipe easy to follow! 
    thanks BM X 


  • Joy I don’t believe that for a second! MrJ won’t touch veg, he’s very naughty.