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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  •  Good morning all, Annette it was ME who stopped smoking 15 years ago. Anyway I'm off to the hospital shortly for my scan, results on the 11th.

    BP that happened to me last year, stayed a short while then went home, my head was banging so excused myself. But enjoyed seeing them. I was a brides maid many years ago.

    Enjoy your shopping Ellie lol, I haven't seen Christmas stuff in the shops yet. Right I have yo go now chat later xx


  • Good. Morning my lovely friends sorry I haven’t been here over the last couple of days or so, unfortunately things took a turn for the worse on Tuesday and I ended up in hospital.  Since then I have had ups and downs but it is sufficient to say that I am now going into the local hospice as an inpatient today. I haven only have a short time now (2 weeks or so).  I just wanted to say thanks to you all for your support over the last while. and I still feel we are a strong group.  I will be here in spirit! So you all stay strong and positive.  I will take this difficult moment on habehalf of our wee group. 

    Take care you lovely people.  I will try and come back to let you all know how I am doing.  

    Thanks each and everyone of you 

    Michael x x x x 

  • Good to meet you Doli and like a lot of us it took me a while before I joined in the chatter. Now I can’t keep up everyone Grin

    So good morning all, hope it’s a good day with all you’ve got planned xx

    have just hot back from the vets with Ollie and was shocked to hear that the vet says he’s more like 12 than 9 which I he was going to be next month, no wonder he was slowing down! 

    off for my 12th chemo later. Oh what joy….

    Judy xxx

    thought I might have a me time next week but already Tuesday is booked to meet work pals for coffee and I don’t want to miss that as there’s a couple who I would love to see again. 

  • Dear Michael have you on my heart Heart️ and in my prayers Pray tone2 you are a blessing to all of us xxxxx


  • Thank you Judy.  Good luck with your 12th Chemo.  I hope it goes well

    Michael x x 

  • Been thinking of you M and will continue to do so. 

  • My heart is heavy, my friend , i have no words, xxxxx

  • Hi M so sorry to hear this sad news thinking of you , we're all heart broken sending love and hugs xx Pray


  • Well, really i have nothing to say  as such, i was really taken a back, by Morton's update.

     I know we come on here for support, and yes we have a laugh,and at times, we forget about, why we are here.

    Though Morton's update really hit home to me in many ways.

    So i know he would want us to carry on, being the crazy bunch as we are at times,and i hope, when he may be able, he can read, what each one of us has been up to on that day,

    Giving you a wave Morton, xxx

  • I am devasted to read your sad news Michael. It has been a pleasure knowing you. Its hard to know what to say . You will be in my heart and thoughts . I will really miss tea and cakes with you . Sending you great big hugs and lots of love . Tricia  xxxxxxx