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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Poor long suffering Mrs Chutney! Listen to her wise words Mr BP x

  • So BP what is the answer to Mrs Chutney's question! Why are you using up more of your precious time??

    Ellie, good for you giving up, that is a long time, no point in starting again now! Suck a lollipop instead! That's what my husband did to help him stop smoking 25 years ago because he said he needed something to do with his hands! It worked!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Not sure what you are talking about Annette, if it was smoking, it was Moi that made a comment.


  • Good Morning Everyone! Thank you to Ellie, Shadders and others for encouraging me to post here Slight smile It's Friday the end of another weekSlight smile what are your plans for the weekend? If the weather is nice it will be the park with the kids for me. I'm going for lunch with friends today. Originally it was a catch up with one friend then others joined in. I can't help but be annoyed. I know its childish. I wanted one on one time with this friend, I love my friends but its hard to deal with the alltogether. 

  • Morning BM glad you found us.

    I am shopping today, with my sister, your right, i am not sure where the weeks go to,

    Another new month approaching, i dread it, when i see Christmas things in the shops, and that starts far to early.

    Well to be nice, here in the se, as long s not to hot, like last week, knocked me for six.

    Ladies s that do lunch, nice one,  i know where you are coming from, cant your one friend met you on their own at some point, but enjoy the day, the best you can. xxxxx

  • Oh that annoys me too Doli. It happened to me too. I’d asked a neighbour on for a cuppa and she asked if another could come. Of corse I said yes but they spent the whole thing me discussing their social plans. Of course it’s fine that they want to catch up but as I’m not involved I felt a bit excluded. I didn’t want to be involved in the socials but I was annoyed as I wanted to get ready to go out and in the end I was rushing cos they wouldn’t take the hint. Sorry for blathering on but it did annoy me. 
    Goid morning all. Swim, shop, Pilates for me today 

    Jac x

  • Oh and tomorrow night I’m going to a Bowie Extravaganza! I’m not sure what it invokes but going with good friends so should be good. Then Sunday I’m going to a friend’s 60th birthday afternoon tea. So lovely weekend planned. Hope you’ve all got nice things to look forward to x

  • Yes i should take the good with the bad. My friend is getting married so with work and planning that she doesnt have much time. Im her made of honour with reduced jobs. One of my friends is always negative shooting down ideas and i think it will get to me if we were to dicuss wedding plans :(. Anyhoo what will be will be. Have a good weekend xx

  • BM Could you please, fill in your profile, giving, others a bit of information, into who you are  ect,xxxx

  • Oh how exciting, I’ve never been a bridesmaid but would have loved it when I was little. Now I’m much too old! You’re young, you’ll have such a lovely time. What wonderful memories you’ll have x