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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Morning Ellie i have decided to go food shopping this morning as the forecast says weekend will be 31 degrees so today is the coolest of the weekend. Have a good day shopping just try and keep in the shade. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Morning, yes mine is food shopping.

    I do not mind the heat, but so humid, drains one.

    Your Brain is in gear, that's good,yes i heard the temps, well i will not be cooking my  Sunday dinner, that's for sur.

    Take Care and enjoy your day, xxxxe

  • Good morning all. Friday shopping day. We'er going shopping as well, food and sunglasses for Ray, getting cataract op tomorrow, it's had to be cancelled twice due to him having a bad chest so all go tomorrow. Very overcast here at the moment see how the day progresses . xx


  • Morning Moi, every one food shopping lol, how exciting.

    I am waiting, to get my eyes done as well, thought, i needed new glasses, hey ho, no.

    If not one thing something else, i really do not know, what part of me, is working right, trying to think, could take me all day,

    Enjoy your trip out, xxx

  • Morning everyone Grin

    I'm off shopping too, to try and find some ethnicy elastic waist trousers.  I've been wearing dungerees, which i love, but they're playing havoc with my RIG, making it rub on my stoma. I'm not old enough for what i call elasticated granny trousers !! too skinny for leggins and i don't ever do skirts or dressess !!! Good excuse to go clothes shopping which i rarely do !!

    I quickly lowered the waistband on my one pair of jeans last night as it's at the same level as my RIG, so i can wear them out today.

    Also Moi, i have just been told i have a small cataract forming. My left eye was fuzzy for quite a while and it worried me sick it was my cancer or my meds causing it, as you do.. mountains and mole hills....and that i would end up loosing my licence. I finally bit the bullet and had an eye test. Sounds stupid, but the relief i felt when she said it was a cataract and that i just needed new prescription glasses and more regular checks. So new glasses got and all good now.

    I hope all goes well with Ray's operation tomorrow x

    Enjoy your day people 

    Cat x

  • Enjoy your trip out, hope you find, what you are looking for,

    I do not like buying clothes, only  we i have to,, not sure, how people call it a pleasure, each to their own, though, xx

  • Hi Moi, Mrs U has had both of her cataracts done made a big difference to her day time vision, hope every goes ok for him.

  • Morning all, hope you are all doing well.  Friday again!  It’s been a strange week for me, trying to settle back into a home routine.  Had a great appoitment with hospice folks yesterday.  Not a doom and gloom one but one about what is achievable and setting goals moving forward.  So hopping to find my wee spark again soon. 

    Sending hugs and positivity to all of you 

    M x x x x 

  • Morning, yes Friday again,

    We all need goals, to focus on, small ones to start ,  your spark, will soon be ignited again i am sure.

    I am of shopping, before it is to hot,

    So my goal today, is to survive my shopping trip, and not get up tight over  stupid, rude people, and screaming kids.

    Lets hope i can, Later xxxx

  • Hi Cat, that story about you eyesight made me smile, because I went through the same experience 2 years ago just a few months after my diagnosis.