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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • lol i except that statement then lol 

  • disappointment emjo why 

  • Good Morning all, yes an other morning has broken, was up between 1am and 3.30am went back to bed woke up again at 6am flipping pain paracetamol useless, for pain gel useless, thanks for the osteoarthritis mam. Thanks for the cancer dad..

  • Good morning Ulls sounds like you are having a bit of a bad time. Sorry to read this. Cant you ask to be given something stronger for the pain. Hope you feel better as the day goes on. Sending you a great big hug and love. tricia. xxx

  • Good morning all, Ulls I can empathise re pain.  Maybe worth talking to your doc about any other options re pain relief?  Morning Tricia too.  Another day of trying to recharge my batteries and get back to some degree of mobility and energy.   It has been nearly 2 weeks since I have done anything other than focus on health issues.  So that isn’t ideal.  Rest and attitude will help I hope.  

    Have a great day all 

    M x x x x 

  • Well dare I mention it knowing you are hsving to cope with aches and pains and other stuff Smirk but I’ve just woken up after my first time back in the studio in 9 months doing my body conditioning exercise. Oh, l loved it. Then lots of bear hugs Hugging at Deaf church in the afternoon. It got me out of the doldrums. 
    love to all and try and keep those chins up as MrJ says to me. 

    Judy xxxx

  • Morning Morton Its understandable that you would focus on heath issues you have been through the mill yet you still manage to find a positive in it, which is admirable shows you have strength too. Wont be long till your back to throwing a party and dancing on the table but try not to stand on the cake i shall bring. Sending you strength and hope each days sees you get better. Love and hugs Tricia. xxxx

  • Hi Tricia and Morton thanks for you thoughts, I was at GPs yesterday she prescribed the pain relief gel and paracetamol, also arranged x-ray so waiting for appointment, I know my sister's take a slow release chemo tablet to control their osteoarthritis pain, the doctor didn't want to do that yet depending on PSA results.

  • Morning Judy glad your exercise class gave you joy. You are a better woman than me, i would get tired just saying the word exercise lol. It would take a miracle to condition my body lol. Have a good day Love  Tricia. xxx

  • Hi Judy, church and brotherhood are great to attend, I really like the quiet pray time. Excersize is limited to walking indoor capabilities stuff.