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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Well morning, to you all, how lovely to see no sun yet,, been awake a while, but just laying there,as it was lovely, and cool

    You all sound, on top form, not sure what is planned, funny how us women, or males if you like do not like shopping, i used to, not now,

    Hope its a good day, for one and all. Cuppa time xxx

  • Nor me, went the other way, did not have either, though, happy, that's what counted lol, well some times,xx

  • Morning everyone. Not much sleep last night far to warm  . Well today I'm of to my sons for 5 days minding the lovely animals again. Pity its forcast rain from tomorrow. Yesterday I took my granddaughter out for tea then she came back to mine for few hours .haven't seen her for weeks so it was lovely spending the time with her catching up with school and stuff . Well hope use all have a nice weekend and the sun comes out soon take care x

  • The animals will be pleased to see you. My granddaughter has her Prom next week. Another American thing that has invaded our land Laughing

    Judy xxx

  • An expensive American thing, we could have had a holiday for what we spent on one night shoes and dress never worn again, but she look lovely.

  • Daughter here yesterday, took her shopping for some sandals, not to be left out spouse picked up 2pair of shoes, and I got to pay.

    Back home daughter wanted a hand wash her car, then I did a bit clearing up in the garden, after tea sat down to watch the news and fell asleep, didn't wake till 9.30 missed my wee dram, went to bed at 10 slept till 12 woke up pain in left hand, from tips of fingers to forearm swollen due to arthritis, awake all night, got out of bed at 5.

    Sorry Ellie our Friday chat bit the dust. 

  • It was the nibbles, i missed, we will make up for it,  know doubt.

    I have just come in from garden, few  spots of rain, though i carried on,  caught on rose  bush, enough said, my arms, look, like i have been fighting with, Mike Tyson.

    Then had a few words with my neioughbour, and i do not mean, nice words, Oh Happy Days. xx

  • Oh I can imagine she will look beautiful.  Yes we do all things American now .my granddaughter who is 11 even calls the rubbish bag a trash bag now and says some people live in a nice neighbourhood. The things they pick up eh x

  • Oh no! Let’s keep the tight upper lip tradition! Joy  It was so good to hear the BBC accent when I got home from North Carolina! Must be getting old..says me with a scouse accent Grin

  • Well thts it, knocked of now,

    Three loads washing in and out, and two hours, digging in garden turning all beds over, and yes weed pulling, getting to old for all this, says me,

    At least i try, everyone love's, a tryer, so they tell me lol,

    Hope every ne has had a good day, as such, xxxxx