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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Funny you should say that Ellie had problems with her laptop a couple of days ago, I think her son sorted it out for her.

  • So pleased Tricia that you had a lovely time at the wedding of your daughter. It must have been a very special day.for you all. I have been enjoying the weather....eating meals which my son has cooked outside under the shade. I could get use to this, just wish there was a swimmimg in the garden to jump in to lol.

    Love to all. M continue to hold you in my thoughts xxxx


  • Never  Ulls your delivery is second to none lol. xxx

  • My legs are hurting this morning! Too many squats doing my body conditioning exercises Sweat smile Tired face

  • Morning Judy im glad you are enjoying the weather a bit too hot for me. It seems i am just one of lifes moaners lol. Lucky your son cooks well dont think i would not chance eating anything my son cooked lol. I have a suggestion for your swimming problem get someone to give you a paddling pool then mabe we can all come round for a dip lol. Hope you are ok and that T uesday will be a great day. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Well Well Well Good Morning.

    Every one up bright and early, glad i taught you well,

    Another day another dollar, hope you all taking it easy in this weather,

    Judy glad your son is looking after you, own private chef, he is my address lol.

    Tricia so glad you had a lovely time, your not the only one that cannot walk ins i high heels now, though you gave it a go, i would not have done that,

    I hate putting shoes on on a friday lol.

    Ulls, heard the song take it easy, always busy,

    Hello to any one that is normally here but other things at moment stopping them Big Hugs,xxxx

  • Teicia  i did ask the other day, has any one heard from Ruby, i have not seen her, and was concerned,  have you xxx

  • Good morning M, just catching up on here. Sorry to hear your having such a ruff time. I'm hoping you get some better news soon. I'm glad your home and hope your feeling a bit better. Sending hugs good vibes and your in my prayers. xx


  • Good morning Ellie and all. Been a bit up and down lately, but on the up at the moment. The weather well, very hot this last week, between 23 and 28 last few days, last 3 nights thunder storms and heavy rain. Anyway hope your all well xx


  • Morning Moi2. glad to read that you are on an up day. Long may it last. Its really hot here too Its so humid i think we could do with a storm. Have a good day. Love Tricia. xxx