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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Like my cloths.  SmileSmileSmileSmileSmile

  • as i said hot hot hot, you look, like  a proper husky male  no to ways about that x

  • Good afternoon all, I hope you are all ok.  I didn’t have the best evening last night in the end.  Had to leave a concert I was at early as I was feeling unwell.  I am much better this morning and using Sunday as a day or Rest like Ellie.  Trying to get my batteries charged up completely for the week ahead.  

    Beautiful weather here today so I will get a wee seat on the balcony and enjoy some fresh air.  Hope you are all ok. 

    Take care all 

    M x x x x

  • Pleased that you are feeling better today M. I’ve been up and down…no reason other than have my 11th chemo on Friday after an appointment with my oncologist who will have my MRI scan results! Hear no evil 
    isn’t the weather out of this worldSunny️xx

  • I'm on the wrong side of the country, cloudy and cool, nevermind painting done, shower the ready for church.

  • I went to church this morning Ulls. Always uplifts me! Lovely folk there that know now not to talk about the C but ordinary stuff

    glad you got the painting done. You are amazing! X

  • Sorry to hear Morton, not had to much sun i hope. and to leave a concert as well..

    Right declared day of rest for us all, i did to much yesterday, was shattered when i got up,

    I have done nothing, sat out from 11 till 1 came in, son turned up again was here yesterday andh e wanted to sit outside, he lives in a flat, so i went back out, to much.

    my back garden south facing cannot get away from it, loved it when i was younger, now mature lol not so much,

    You sit on your balcony, and chill my friend xxx

  • Sorry to hear a few people not 100 per cent, whether body or mind,

    The weather is lovely 21 here  , been siting reading in garden, first time i have done any reading this year, always jobs to be done, though not , today, made my mind up and might not bet tomorrow..

    Just been on amazon and ordered 4 new books, and two bottles nail varnish, how the other half live, xxx

  • Your Hot enough Mr Ulls, do not worry lol

  • Always good to get on Amazon Grin I’m on my 5th Lucinda Riley book (the Moon Sister) it turns out she has gypsy blood in her. 
    what colour nail varnish have you ordered Ellie. 
    my orangery says 29 degrees could get use to this! X