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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Morning Everyone.

    What a difference, a day makes, again looks like going to be a grey, wet day.

    Was so nice yesterday, though, i know i did to much, need oiling, bones have sized up, Never mind,

    Hope you all have  good day, could be bloods for some, or scans, i am free on that this week, though have eye appointment this week, that is enough.

    You all enjoy your day, what ever may be on your agenda,


  • Morning Elle. Think mowing the lawn (grass was long!) last Friday,  was a bad idea. Didn’t feel too good yesterday. Slept in till 8 this morning!!

    May have to resort to hiring a gardener. MrJ’s knees are bad and needs to preserve them for his crown green bowls comps! Rolling eyes

    have bloods in Wednesday and 10th chemo on Friday

    going to Deaf church this afternoon to see my friends so hope that cheers me up. They are full Deaf so we all communicate in BSL. 

    Love to you and all xxxxx


  • Good morning everyone, hope you are well and hope everyone is well rested for the week ahead.  I have a combination of fun things and of not so fun things lol.  Out for lunch tomorrow with a wee drink included :) GP Thursday, Oncology Friday then going in to clear my office on Saturday which will be a little strange. 

    Hope your eye appointment goes well Ellie and I hope that everyone else who has fun or not fun stuff this week that if goes well for you.  

    Annette I think it’s ok to just let people know the general outcome of appointments here in this thread.  Longer discussions kinda happen elsewhere I have noticed and that seems to work quite well? 

    Happy Monday all 

    M x x x x 

  • Hope the bloods go well on Wednesday and you are good to go for your 10th!!! Chemo You are super strong to get to that many. Well done. 

    M x 

  • Hi MSG

    I know that feeling, my knees ankles and wrist  play up, when done to much, Old age i say lol.

    10th chemo, how many are you to have, or is it an on going chemo, which i know some have.

    Yes you have to rest when you do not fill 100 per cent, it is the best thing.

    BSL  Wonderful have to be honest, i have been reading about an on line course, has always interested me,

    You have a nice afternoon with your friends, 


  • Good Morning, Morton

    What a busy life, you are leading, Fun is good, appointments a pain. though have to be done, and yes the scans i have another next week, soon be Christmas, all these appointments, have dates and to me makes the time whizz round.

    You seem to eat more than me, always going out for lunch good one, see what you can do, when retired, 

    I will catch you later. 


  • Thanks M I didn’t realise I’m to be congratulated Joy I do wonder why I keep getting another appointment to go for

  • I have 10 planned and not sure I will make all of those so congrats defo in order lol 

    M x 

  • I am eating far too much at the moment Ellie, I am blaming steroids rather than just pure greed lol

    M x

  • LOL The dreaded Steroid, good excuse though, i remember those days all to well.

    Make the most of it, you will be like The Rock lol