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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Hello Morton, a very Wednesday to you too.  Although my ‘’ results said I was 3% Scottish, I’ve unfortunately only been to Scotland 4 times (Edinburgh twice, Oban and Glencoe) - each ttime, wonderful weather! Back to you - good to hear you are feeling much more like your old self and the fresh paintwork on your house will son dry in the sunshine Sunny️. I purchased a cinnamon bun in the hospital’s coffee shop this morning - it was yummy!  So please do enjoy your slice of cake today. Hugging

  • Aww Ruby, you are never alone with fear when waiting on results etc in this group.  Thinking about you x x x 

    Take care 

    M x x 

  • Thanks Moi, got on well at GP, bloods done and got a wee anti biotic for another flare up of cellulitis.  If it’s not one thing it’s another. 

    Hope you are ok x x 

  • Thank you Judy, it did go well.  we do spur each other on and it makes it all so much easier. 

    Take care Judy 

    M x x x 

  • Ty Tricia.  Hope you are doing ok now 

    M x x x

  • Thank you Ulls, you are spot on! In the past, I took everything far too seriously but humour is such an important part of life. My brother, in particular, has a fantastic, very dry sense of humour and always makes me chuckle. Simon Reeve is one of my favourite t.v. (also, one of my Secret Crushes Joy)presenters and I like his phrase of there's ‘light and shade’ in everything.

  • We all love you Ellie Heart️ you are a great encourager to us all. Now it’s our turn to encourage you. You can do this Punch 

    how wonderful to see your sister and her  family all the way from down under. Your home will be full of fun again snd the drink will be overflowing Grin

    Love Judy xxxxx

  • Evening everyone, hope you are all enjoying the nice weather tonight, it’s a beautiful evening here in the west of Scotland.  Well I got a call from GP at 5pm and as I was expecting I have to go into the hospital tomorrow for a blood transfusion.  I am quite pleased as I did know something was wrong energy wise and it turns out I am very anaemic.  I wont worry about the why of that yet just take the treatment tomorrow and hopefully get the spring back in my step.  Fingers crossed I am just in for the day as they are predicting.  I don’t want to stay any longer lol 

    Another drama in my world this last week.  Oh well soon be up and running again. Onwards and upwards as we say :) 

    M x x x x

  • Well, there will be no stopping you, once your back on Parr., Its a day out, all the nurses looking after you, taking your pulse, and brining you a cuppa,.

    Just let them sort you out, and then you can start signing and dancing i would think,

    You had the better weather, only got to 17degrees today and cold tonight.though warmer tomorrow,

    Thoughts are with you.


  • Good luck for tomorrow M my thoughts will be with you  spurring you on. You will be dancing a jive with Mrs M in no time. xxxx