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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Good morning Ulls enjoy your gardening bur don't over do it. Since moving into our flat we have a communal garden really nice, so I'm now into planting in pots it's easier for me. AnywY have a lovely day out in the fresh ait xx


  • Enjoy your family visit, its great to have the weather to be able to eat outside. Have fun xx


  • Enjoy  your  company.

    Yes Scotland have got the Sun Cup

    Normally the SE gets it, but not this week so far, though, best time for me to go in garden and do some work.

    My back garden has the sun all day when out, not woke up yet x

  • Nice Moi, hope your gardening goes well. 

    M x 

  • Hi Judy, I know who would have thought Scotland would get better weather than wales! Sun has just Come out in time for my wee visit to the GP. 

    Hope you have a lovely Amy with your son and partner. 

    M x x 

  • Thank you Ellie, it’s been a tough few days so I am glad to be feeling a bit better now.  I will send some sunshine your way so long as you promised to spend some of it relaxing in the sun. 

    M x x x x 

  • Good morning  M , enjoy the sun. Glad your feeling more like yourself.  Hope your GP visit goes well. I do think a wee cake is called for, just a little one as your appetite is returning. xx


  • Thanks M. It’s good to hear all about their travels. Hope your GP visit goes ok. 
    it’s all about appointments isn’t it! But we spur each other on Kissing heart 

    I’m trying to fathom out the reindeer story. I got lost along the way being blonde Rolling eyes 

    Judy xx

  • Good morning to everyone . its a cold ,grey and rainy day here. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better M hope your appointment goes well. Welcome back Jac hope you had great trip and are feeling ok. Moi sounds like a lovely day was had by you yesterday im glad it was a good day. Ulls i hope the gardening is going well and the weather is good where you are. Ellie how are you today nice to read you got your hair done and a chat while there.. MSG have a fabulous time with your family nothing better than spending time with loved ones. Thankyou to everyone for the support yesterday. I only had a two and a half wait to be seen so not the 4 hours i had anticipated lol. Have a great day  wednesday . Love Tricia. xxx 

  • Mine is south facing too. They should build all houses the same. May look a bit strange though. 
    feeling tired today. Must be a combination of chemo and the covid jab. My arm is so sore. 
    Tam made me a hot drink with lemon and ginger root. 
    much better than plain water. X