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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Hi Moi and Ellie, gray here aswell, I'll be doing a bit in the postage stamp I call a front garden, not sure what to replace them with yet, they used to grow in a small mound with pink flowers this year just a long mess.

  • Hi everyone, Hope you are all doing well.  I am feeling a wee bit more like my old self this morning.  I have a GP appointment at 12.15 and some bloods and other issues to address so that’s good.  The men are here to start painting the house, so another positive thing.  Things are looking up a bit lol!  Hope you are all well today and I hope the sun shines on you all today, it’s to be 25c and sunny here later!  It’s almost like summer…! 

    Happy Wednesday to you all 

    M x x x x 

  • I haven’t had much of an appetite Jac, but do feel like a wee cake today so that must mean I am feeling a bit better! 

    Hope you are doing ok? 

    M x x x 

  • Good morning Ellie, it is still kinda cloudy at the moment but I think the sun will break through very soon.  it is warm already! 

    M x x x 

  • Hope you are ok Tricia, sending postive vibes your way x 

    M x x 

  • Hi Judy, thank you and yes remarkable as it is we have even had some sun here in sunny Scotland lol! Hope you are doing ok 

    M x x 

  • Ty so much Tricia for your kind thoughts and support.  I will be back to normal soon. 

    M x x 

  • Morning, good to see you.

    No you are having th nice weather, not here i am afraid, was chilly yesterday, You make the most of it, and if you have enough, send it this way please,

    Glad to see you though xxxx

  • Postage stamp,   then multiply that  by about 5000 , that's mine lol. I have things growing, i do not even plant xx

  • The world’s gone mad! It’s hotter in Scotland than Wales. I love the sun so hope you do too. 
    Son and partner arrived yesterday!! So life is good Blush Scott cooked a fab meal last night and we ate in the garden…would love to live in Spain where that’s the norm. 
    Thinking of you all wherever you’re at. xxxx
