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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • LOL i do not mean to, its just me, always been the same lol each to their ownwell i will not say in furture, lol 

    I do  slow down at some point, lol 

  • Good morning Ellie,  you are really on the ball today as always. It does take a few days to get back to normal after having your lovely family to stay, but we love it. My orchids have been gifts as well first when I went in for my operation 5 years ago and 2nd when I got told of big Cs come back 4 years ago and 3rd even we moved to my flat, I've just learnt as I've gone along just don't over water it about every 7 days. xx


  • Good morning Ruby2016 How are you feeling today.? I hope very much that you are feeling better and had a good weekend. I would recommend a visit to the palace when you can . H ave a great Tuesday . Love and hugs. Tricia. xxx

  • You are an inspiration to all of us of what we can still achieve. xxx

  • Morning everyone. Trying not to panic!! think I did too much yesterday...when will i ever learn! Met my friend and her two year old for coffee, weeded and tidied the drive, ready for a huge camper van tomorrow when son number 2 arrives. Skip needs to be picked up before they come!! then went and had my eyebrows done. Ollie needed walking when i got back as it was cooler. Don't panic Mr Mannering!! Crawled into bed!

    If you don't hear from me it's because I'm trying to catch my tail. Love to you all have a super time in the sun doing what makes you happy xxxx


  • Oh right well thank you, though  i do not mean to be, i just say it how it is, Age is slowing me down and i do not like that, 

  • Good morning Ruby hope uour OK Thumbsup As for the sun I used to lay in it for hours always had a light tan. Since I started treatment I get tiny blisters if not covered so no tan. I'm trying  Dove self tanning moisturiser all looks good except my feet !! So will have to wear my trainers lol  xx


  • Oh Judy or should I call upu Ellie ? You certainly know how to over do it don't you. Yes a good rest is needed get somebody else to walk Ollie for today. A sleep tea cake and telly today. Enjoy you family visit xx


  • Morning Msg23 Sounds like you have a very busy time hopefully you can go back to bed and rest before your son arrives. Have a great time with him its lovely when the kids visit. Tricia. xxx

  • Age and cancer are barstools but hey ho were still here. Right legs are out the bed, my chef (Ray) is telling me my bacon butty is ready, must go chat later xx