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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Morning all. 

    You are all such busy people, I feel lacking, but don't care so thats all right.

    Got to get some straw today for the reindeer. I thought it was Rudolph because of its red nose but it's Prancer, it seems they all have them, you live and learn.

  • Morning Itisme  How fabulous to have a reindeer staying with you .Do you think he will stay until christmas i hope so. Have a great day .

  • Morning do you have a red nose, because i do believe one reindeer is called Chancer

  • Oh Ellie you are a case luv your sense of humour  ha ha ha we should have a laugh Smiley with the reacts. Xx


  • Good morning Itisme123, do uou have a saddle for Chancer aka Prancer to ride the night sky's in practice for Christmas ? xx


  • Hi Annette, I hope the iron by IV works for you.  I am also a bit anaemic on top of everything else so that is adding to the tiredness.  

    Hope you are all prepared for treatment. 

    M x 

  • Hi Ruby, thank you for this.  I am resting up for the party lol.   I am still feeling quite tired but hoping things are going to get better soon. 

    M x 

  • Good morning everyone.  Tricia it sounds like you had a lovely time away.  Hope you lovely folks are all doing well today.  I had a rotten evening last evening but hoping that might be it and leaving the worse of this feeling behind me.  Sorry I am not my most positive self,  I will bounce back lol. Absolutely beautiful weather here today, not a cloud in the sky!  Very unusual for the west of Scotland, lol.  

    Hope you all have nice days ahead and if there are any appointments these go well.  Happy Tuesday to you all 

    M x x x x 

  • Sorry you had a rotten evening M (but glad you are being real and letting us know) it’s not all positive. We together take the rough with the smooth. And yes, you will bounce back. Have a good day under the sun…it’s even reached the west side of Scotland for youSunny

    Judy xxx

  • Good morning M you have been in my thoughts. I hope  you had a restful weekend and indulged in lots of cake. Sorry to read that you are still feeling quite tired its not suprising with what your body has had to endure. I am sending you lots of positive energy hope you feel back to yourself quickly. I am looking forward to your next party and hope im invited, as your last one was such a hit with us all. Are you going to be given iron tablets to help with the anaemia.Im sure you will be running around soon. Take care, lots of love and hugs Tricia. xxx