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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Good morning to everyone I hope you all have a great Tuesday. Its grey and chilly here this morning maybe the sun is having a lie in and will make an appearance later. Had a lovely weekend in oxfordshire with my daughter, son in law and my beautiful grandaughter . Went to a food fare on the grounds of bleniham palace, followed by a look around the palace. Before our return yesterday we went to the best circus show i have ever seen it felt great to be laughing heartily again. I hope you all had a great bank holiday weekend. Sending lots of love to everyone who has been having a difficult time lately, i hope you are all feeling a bit better. Tricia. xxx

  • Morning Tricia

    Glad you had a good weekend, So did i, though, i did not leave the house.

    I was being mum again, son and grandaughter where staying,other sons where here, and daughter,

    Like old times, HECTIC  but really lovely, and loads of jobs done for me.

    Now just me me and me, quiet, brain calming down.

    Grey here and bit chilly, but dry.

    Have a good day xxxx 

  • Morning Ellie so glad you had such a good weekend sounds like you had a had your handsful but in a lovely way. I bet you never sat down by 2pm lol, hope you have a restful day planned but have a great day whatever your plans are Love Tricia. xxx

  • Good morning all its grey here today but the sun is trying to break through. Went to B&Q garden centre yesterday, didn't have what I wanted  so went to Dobies, got everything to repot my orchids. Job done . Having a cuppa  in bed at the moment thinking I might get up amd have breakfast. Hope you all have a lovely day xx

  • Morning Moi2 tea in bed sounds like a great start to the day.  I hope you are feeling well today. Glad you were able to repot your orchids although i know nothing about gardening of any kind . Have a great day. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Morning Moi

    I have only just been given an Orchid for my birthday, so when i need advise will shout help.

    I am dressed had my shower, bed stripped and now my breakie, its an easy day for me, getting over hectic few days lol.

    Hope your well, x

  • Good morning Tricia, sound's like you had a lovely weekend. Mine was quite and restful which is just what I needed. The forecast says hot and sunny here this afternoon, Sunglasses so will have to cover up when I go out later. Have a good day xx


  • A very good morning to you too Tricia. What a wonderful weekend you have had spending time wi5 your family. Blenheim Palace is on my list of UK places to visit! Have a lovely day xxxx.

  • You are a force of nature Ellie  your energy levels are amazing all i have done so far was make tea you put me to shame lol. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Hello Moi2, you have a lovely day too. I love orchids and they have such lovely colours. I am very fair skinned so like you, if the sun does make an appearance later on today, I will be covering up too.  xxxx