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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • I’m talking rubbish then. Thanks Ulls…learning as I go along. I don’t know who to turn to half the time either! Have a good day x 

  • No your not talking as such.

    Not everything is down  to the oncologist, and i was told by mine., you can get other problems, that are not cancer related, and must see your GP.

    Oncologist treats Cancer, not every other problem, that may come along. 

  • Bev i have had this, with receptionist told no appointments, and my answer is i have a right, i am on her books, and gets paid to see me, and even if she does not, she gets paid,

    Rely would you like to come this afternoon, xx

  • Judy, i was told bye the oncologist, if i have a pain, in the same place, all the time, and does not go away, for at lest three weeks, then phone, my lung nurse.

    We all get aches and pains, i know i do, then think, what have you done today, oh yes cut the grass, and your a mature person with age, have my answer,xx

  • Thanks Ellie. I feel awful that I may have appeared to have made light of Bev’s pain. (Sorry Bev)
    I haven’t seen my GP since last September when he thankfully refered me for a CT scan ( just in case!!!)I can’t just ring for help as I’m hard of hearing so I have to rely on my friend to phone for me. Hence the dread of needing help for other stuff. So far I’ve managed. 
    I’m taking note of all what’s been said. xx

  • Sounds bliss Blush my son and his partner are due home next week. Tam is going to give me reflexology treatment…can’t wait Grin xx

    Judy x

  • Judy, no you did not, make light of anything, as i said not everything is down to , and they no what they are looking for,

    I had a problem few weeks ago, and phoned GP told her on the Monday, and Tuesday had a call to go in for the day, was not cancer related, you learn as you go a long i am afraid,

  • Lovely Judy, will be on cloud nine,

  •  I have these alover my legs and starting on arms. So so painful it effects your joints .oncologist doesn't no wat they are but is quering something. These have gone down quite a lot from last week  I cud cry with the pain at times. I've had creams that do nothing so hopefully painkillers will help me 

  • So sorry Bev hope it can be sorted ASAP