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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • That looks very uncomfortable Bev.

    There is the nuclear option  ... call an ambulance, tell them you can't move from your settee with the pain, you need immediate help. You shouldn't need to lay it on thick but sometimes you have to.

    Once you have sat in A&E for a few hours, a doctor will see you and come up with a resolution. If that doctor dosnt know, they are surrounded by other specialists who will have some ideas.

    I know you will not want to do this, after all we are English and mustn't cause a fuss or grumble, but needs must.

    If you don't fancy the blue lights and sirens, get someone to take you there book you in, then go and sit in the car so it looks like you do not have access to outside help.

    Whatever you do I hope you get some relief.

  • Thankyou everyone for your kind words  I have a doctor phoning me in the morning .Will keep use posted x

  • Hi everyone I'm back from daughters,my wife says the roads are like being on a car rally course.

    Hi Bev very nasty I hope the GP will sort you out with pain relief 

  • Bev, I hope you get some relief.  Just to check in I got my radiotherapy ok.  As i had my full dose in one go I may feel tired for a bit and maybe more pain but then I should feel some pain relief.   

    Hope you all had a good afternoon. Beautiful weather here so hopefully it is where you are. 

    Night all 

    M x x x x

  • All done and  dusted, now relax and enjoy the nice weather,  while it lasts,  xxx

  • When I was told I would have three tattoos, I asked for Mum, Dad and Angie.

    I do recall a sense of humour failure at that point.!

    They probably hear it every day so a forgivable reaction.

    Hope it works on the pain as soon as.

  • Well i think that is a task, you have 3 i have 7 going to start adding them all up from people  think Morton had 3,  make an interesting art work, or design

  • Right, bloods tomorrow, good luck to the nurse in finding a vein.

    At my last surgery they went straight to the back of my hand. This surgery prefers to practice on the inside of my elbow a couple of times each side then do the hand!


  • Hi Itisme, I have the same problem with veins but not I have a rule "3 tries and you're do everything" If a nurse or doctor don't get a vein, after the third try, I tell them they are done and to find someone else to do it! I think if they can't get it after three tries they are going to get flustered and not get it at all. I find whoever does the fourth try is their best person and it usually works first time with them. I don't like it in my hand as I have osteoarthritis and my hands are painful! Good luck,

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette and good morning, I have osteoarthritis as well, feet knees and hands it gives me more pain than the Cancer, good job it's not in my jaw I come smile.