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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • They have to make sure, what they may be saying is correct, then they will sort it out, . i am sure.


  • Snap Ellie. I too woke up at 8…day 6 after chemo. Not feeling too bad either. 
    I have a good friend coming to mow my wee lawn (I’m picking up Scottish phasesGrin) I struggled mowing it after my last chemo and got down about it. So an SOS was sent out!!! 
    going back online to do low impact will be good to get back into the real world! 
    Morton, don’t forget to video yourself doing the Ga Ga Joy

    sun is shining SunnySunglasses enjoy your day, one n all (that’s Irish now!) Wink

    Judy xxxxx

  • Hi Bev, I've never heard of that befor so looked it up on NHS, very Nast it says it will go away between 3 to 8 week's but pain can continue for month's, if I had that I'd be on to the GP for pain relief s,a,p and demand strong pain relief, no one should be left in pain like that especially some one living with cancer, make a fuss shy girls get nowt. Big big hug.

  • Glad your felling ok today, onwards and upwards, enjoy the weather, though take care if in the sun, while having chemo. xxx

  • Bev, that sounds horrendous, you’re so right we wouldn’t let animals suffer in pain. Do painkillers help? I hope they can sort it for you more quickly than you are anticipating, it’s not fair and must be getting you down. 
    Gentle hugs

    Jac x

  • Morning all

    ive just been for a back massage at the Helen Rollason near me. Bloody marvellous! 
    Jac x

  • It’s difficult I know Bev. And I don’t want to say the wrong thing. But in the past I’ve mentioned this and that twinge or ache and my oncologist has listened to me but has not taken any action. 
    I think they know what they are doing (as hard as it may seem) as those twinges or aches have gone away or are not as prominent anymore. 
    I realised I had to trust him more. Forgive me if I’m talking rubbish. I do hope you get some pain relief. 

    Judy xxxx

  • Difficult to trust someone when your in pain.

    The me done for a while off to daughter's, enjoy your day.

  • Ulls I cud hug u from afar.ive rang docs and obviously there is no appointments left untill June.but receptionist said she will someone and try to get Me some pain relief. I will let u no the outcome when she rings me back x

    1. I've rang docs and obviously no appointments left but I explained everything 2 receptionist and the fact I'm a cancer patient and she os going 2 speak 2 someone to get me some pain relief hopefully x