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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Best way they mature quicker with responsibility 

  • How old is your daughter 

  • 33, she the youngest other is 36 never seen him since his divorce 8 year's ago last I heard he was in USA teaching English language, he had mental problems, as far as I'm concerned he can stay away 

  • 33, i thought it was about that age though not sure, i am sorry to hear that ulls, though everyone has some family problems, so thy say.


  • Every family I know or know of has had difficulties sometime in their lives.

    A very lucky few will have escaped it.

    Just my experience, would not like to offend anyone with my opinion.

  • Thank you for your , input, yes you are right, most families do, , i have had a few.

    Glad to see you, are finding your way around.

  • Hi everyone, sorry I didn’t get a chance to post after my appointment today as my better half and I went and had some drinks and food and a nice day out in the end.  Just woke up and needed a wee cuppa so thought I would catch you up.  Appointment went as planned.  I will have chemo on Monday but no longer 10, this will be my last one.  I keep my profile and a thread on the chemo up to date on all of this so won’t go into it all here.  I now have one blast of radiotherapy next week though as well as chemo on Monday so it’s all go.  More important is the fact that today I was in a pub with swings for chairs!  We never got a shot at those seats but have made it part of the list to get back there and have a swinging chair for a cocktail and some street food.  I mean, who wouldn’t!! Hope you all had a nice Friday and are looking forward to a good Saturday.  I am going to clear out my office at work as the final part of my wee retirement so that will be an experience.  I shall of course let you all know how that goes.  Take care all you lovely people. 

    M x x x x 

  • Good Morning Morton, glad to see you both had a good day, we have a cocktail bar with 3 swings the rest are normal, keep enjoying your retirement 

  • Hi itisme I've never spoken to you before, have you been on an other group or are you new

  • Good Morning all, sun shing quite warm already sat on rear terrace having breakfast, tablets taken on way to make second cup of coffee.