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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Seeing ladies first thing in the morning done it loads of time, anyway your a good looking woman, on good morning 10 can't remember who said it though 

  • lol your must have been dreaming

    You might ned new glasses lol, to be honest, i am me, warts and all lol.

    Well, grass cut,, strimmer's i give up with them so oiled the shears,, to back breaking, so will call that a day, other things to be done,

  • i most probaly said it lol i do tell little lies some times lol

  • Any way. i have a friend who sent me their photo, well what does one say, a lovely looking gentleman, out to impress, wearing his new jacket, nothing like old stock, and not talking of  jacket, lol lol

  • I don't know if anyone enjoys a drink on here.

    I do and I have just come back from the pub.  My friend does not have cancer but has everything else. COPD, diabetes, angina and more.

    We still have a laugh and a chat, it does take my mind off more worrying  matters.

    Should I have a bad conscience?

  • To take your mind of more, worrying things, is good for the soul.

    So know, my thoughts are you should not have a bad conscience,

    You have had, a few hours away, being a bit normal, as we all  like to be at some point,

    I am me, and  cancer can take a back seat, at times.


  • Thank you, I feel happier now. I do think there is room for enjoyment in our situation.

  • There is a time and place for everything, , enjoy everything, while we are ,

    Live for today, is the motto, tomorrow things may be different . who knows,

  • Right, need an answer please, have been in garden all day, i have the biggest clump, of blue , i have not planted them, my son just popped in he looked and told  me they are called  forget me nots, they do look lovely.How are they in my garden

    Then it came to mind, when my hubby passed, i bought a willow tree ornament, a lady holding, yes a bunch of forget me nots,

    So while i have been working, all i can see are these blue flowers, mystery where they came, or got in garden, must be seeds that have come from some where,

  • We used to have forget me knots where we lived before. Once you have them they will be everywhere, absolutely beautiful. They cam be pulled up when they are finished or just leave them to die down. You are lucky to have them.