Need hope

  • 13 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Can’t cope anymore the living in fear I really need some hope that I maybe be able to live many yrs with this cruel disease.. love my kids so much and want to see them grow xxx

  • not sure where my reply went!

  • I did write a reply, but I’ll do it again and hope that i don’t repeat myself.

    Lindz, there is a lot of hope for you, you are young, your body is strong. You are having treatment and it is working which is positive. There are so many people who live active lives with secondary cancer. Have you contacted anyone about counselling? MacMillan have a service and probably your local hospice. The Maggie’s centres are excellent I hear although I live too far from any to try them. Can you find something to occupy your thoughts to take your mind of it and give yourself a break from worrying? The Helen Rollason centre near me offers complimentary therapies and support groups. I’m sending more hugs and love your way.  

    Jac x

  • I’m scared my next scan won’t be good news I’ve always suffered with anxiety it’s so horrible I know I need to grab life with both hands and run. My mind won’t let me xxx

  • What about asking the doctor for anti anxiety meds? My husband needed these after a blackout while driving. They help to quieten his racing thoughts and let him sleep. Nothing seems as bad if you can sleep. I hope you can get some peace from your thoughts Lindz, it must be awful. 
    Jac x

  • Aww lindz  I no exactly were you are coming from as I feel exactly the same. But unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it. I have my down days infact quite a few lately .but we are here now so let's make thr most of it. I've been spending more time with my son and loved every minute of it. I book myself little coach holidays away for few days and love them. Nobody nos my story ad for  a few days im normal. I love these breaks away so maybe you could book something just to recharge your batteries so 2 speak. I agree with the others and ring mcmillian helpline.they av been a god send to me and point you in the right direction. Keep in touch I love this little forum I I've made new friends xx

  • I try so had to remain positive but I just can’t even though I know you can live many yrs with cancer under control.. I pray for my babies and myself because they need me. I’m riddled with guilt theHeartfact I can’t be cured because of a tiny dot on my spine. I love life and want to enjoy it to the fullest but I just can’t and while I feel like this cancer is winning in a way. Thank you for your reHeartlay and hope your treatment is keeping your cancer under control Heart

  • Hi Yes t is hard.

    I am sorry you suffer with anxiety,

    I have been incurable from day one, do not get me wrong, i to have down days and fill sorry for myself.

    For me i look at it, i cannot change a thing, and why waste your time, worrying about it ,  because you are letting cancer control you, and that is not on my agenda, i do as much as i can when i can, and make the most of every day, even if i do nothing..

    Counselling might help you. to deal, with your thoughts, it has helped lots of people, i had it, when i lost my hubby, yes to cancer, and i was diagnosed before him.

    Put your fighting spirit into action, for your self and your children you can do it,and you will. xxx


  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to hear about your anxiety. It's easier said than done but I try not to look too far ahead. Counselling definitely helped me and I got a lot out of Dame Deborah James book, How to live when you could be dead. Think about things that you like to do and plan for your good days. Everyone is right, it's about taking control back. It's not easy but as time goes on, you will find the right way for you and your little ones.

    A x

  • How are you feeling today Lindz? Do you notice that you are feeling slightly better, the same or worse? Hope you can make peace with having cancer, try and think of it as a chronic illness. If it was arthritis or something it wouldn’t feel as bad would it? I do think it’s the myths that have built up around cancer that make us feel anxious about it. Sending more hugs  

    Jac x

  • Lindz, I know you are scared and maybe feel that you have no future, but try and take a bit of time to step back from this rollercoaster you think you're on. It may sound daft, but try talking to your cancer. In fact, give it a right talking to. Tell it that it's days of giving you orders are coming to an end and it can just *uck orf out of your brain - cos you've got things to do and a life to lead and YOU are the one in charge of your time, not Johnny Cancer.

    We are all incurable here and many are well past their sell-by date. And you can be one of them. So please don't let this thing dicate terms to you. Chin up girl. You can overcome. Hugs. Rainie x