Need hope

  • 13 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Can’t cope anymore the living in fear I really need some hope that I maybe be able to live many yrs with this cruel disease.. love my kids so much and want to see them grow xxx

  • I’ve had a better day today.. kept myself busy but it’s always there the fear and anxiety not sure how I’m gunna cope anymore xxxx

  • Thank you for your response I’ve always feared cancer and now it’s happening I don’t know what to do with myself I just feel like my life’s over now and I will never smile again xxxx

  • It's not the cancer you have to deal with so much, it's the fear. Your medical team are there to deal with the cancer and you can help them by trying to cultivate a positive attitude to the process. It's not easy, but you can find a way to deal with it. Believe me, you will get to grips with it, because, having read your notes, it appears you have time and treatments in the pipeline, That is not an end-point scenario: that is a future.

    When my Mum was diagnosed with cervical cancer I put my arms around her in her bedroom and got her to look in the mirror. I made her say out loud, 'I've got cancer'. She did. Then again. Then again. This went on for ages with me holding her and looking over her shoulder. In the end we both cracked a smile and fell on the bed in hysterics. Yes, cancer is a scary word to hear when it's about you. But the silly ridicule we did robbed that word of its power.

    After her surgery we did the same thing but said 'I've had cancer'.

    Years later she eventually died from a stroke.

    Take heart and keep posting.  Rainie x