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Lovely morning - daily chit chat thread - no 10

  • 789 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hello everyone, here is the new lovely morning thread for all our daily chit chat. 

  • Brasso that is Old School, and i remember using it as well, and used to paint, the door step red,

    God Good old Days for me, xxx 

  • Thank you Annette it went well and they are writing it up.  Might be a wee while before it appears but I will post the link when it does.  Sorry to hear you are still having so many issues, hope things settle soon. 

    M x 

  • Wow great going from the nephew that is well up the field.  The interview went well and will appear in a few months I think, I will post the link when it does. 

    M x 

  • Morning, Ellie, Ruby and everyone.  Happy Thursday to you all.  It’s weird with a holiday Friday I feel, makes the days seem weird.  I am off out for bloods and to pick up some drugs from Chemist.  Oncology appointment tomorrow before Chemo 4 on Monday.  it is good they are open on the holiday Monday so that everything carries on as normal.   Got some long awaited admin stuff sorted yesterday which was a massive relief and removes one area of stress from life completely.  Such a difference not to have that worry.  

    Hope shopping is OK Ellie and have a good day Ruby. 

    See you all later 

    M x 

  • Ho I'm sorry just to far to drive, hope this is compensation, super duper big easter hugs.Sparkling heartSparkling heartSparkling heartSparkling heartSparkling heartSparkling heartSparkling heart

  • Morning

    Just getting out of bed, is stressful, starting to think, if i stay there, everything will be ok, shut  the world out, for just a little while,lxxx

  • LOL That will do very nicely Thank You, Made my day, again, xxxx lolKissing smiling eyesStuck out tongue closed eyesRolling eyes

  • Hi Morton the odd thing with retirement is no bank holidays, just a standard every day is a holiday.

  • Oooo thanks your such a Lady Ellie 

  • Hi Our lives are so exciting, if we never had all these chorus to do could be boring,   i think not,

    Raining here, but not cold. 

    I am ready, though think i need a new mirror, because who ever was looking at me, looks A1, so the mirror says, xx