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Lovely morning - daily chit chat thread - no 10

  • 789 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hello everyone, here is the new lovely morning thread for all our daily chit chat. 

  • LOL It really P me off, i tell you, gave up even doing anything, and did crossword

  • From your post you have already given a few crosswords, never mind doing one Joy

  • Your a comic really lol

  • Clever Clogs, made m yday xx

  • Now that very nice of you, just in from delivering easter presents.

  • I did not hear any one  at my door, must have left on door step then xxx

  • Hi Morton, I'm sure you did really well! It's a terrific thing to do as a lot of men bury their head in the sand, so it's fantastic you are helping people understand!

    I was at the Lymphedema Clinic earlier. She didn't seem to know what to do with me but eventually she measured up and down my leg to order tights or stockings. She said I would be a challenge! So tomorrow I go for an Endoscopy/Gastroscopy, such an exciting week, oh joy!

    I hope everyone has a good sleep tonight and a great day tomorrow!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Well done Morton on doing an interview with Prostate Cancer UK - I am sure you did a great job. I didn’t do much yesterday but the day started off well with one of my nieces sending me a photo of her walking to her new part-time job and a voice message wishing me a great day. She lives in Australia so a big deal for me. She later messaged me to say that my youngest nephew had come 7th in a Cross Country race - very pleased for him. 

  • Morning Ruby and Everyone Else

    Not Friday, i am up early, going shopping, high lite of my week, i thin not,

    Shower time, and then breakie, have a good day, each and everyone of you.


  • Thank you Ellie.  I am hoping to do a food shop today, need to collect our cat’s medication from the vets and ooh, a blood test, this afternoon! I forgot to mention that I did do some weeding yesterday and some pruning plus polished our letterbox with ‘Brasso’ (other products are available!) -polishing our letterbox always makes me think of my Dad as he always loved a shiny letterbox! He died just over 2 years’ ago, during one of the Lockdowns. He was very funny and a real character and had lots of sayings. It’s been raining here so the grass cutting will have to wait! Wishing Ellie and all of you fab people a great day. xxxxxxx