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Lovely morning - daily chit chat thread - no 10

  • 789 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hello everyone, here is the new lovely morning thread for all our daily chit chat. 

  • Good morning all, beautiful sunny day here. I’m going out with friends later so need to get up! I need to hoover too Tricia. The hoover needs hoovering it’s so long since I got it out lol. 

    Hope you are all well

    love Jac x

  • Have a great day Morton. The scenery sounds stunning where you are. I hope you enjoy the fresh air on your walk. Best wishes. Xx.

  • Morning Ellie, you definitely deserved getting up late this morning after all your ‘busyness’ this week. Have a great day xxxxxx.

  • Good morning Shadders and to all the lovely and fab people on here. You enjoy your day catching up with friends. I am having a quiet day today but am meeting friends tomorrow. Not the best photo but our cat Phoebe is currently snoozing on the back of a sofa and she wishes everyone a great day! xxxxxxx

  • Aw she is gorgeous Ruby! Loving the sunshine! X

  • Thank you! We adore her - very high maintenance (just like her Mum!) but I wouldn’t be without her. Enjoy your day and the sunshine! Sunny

  • Morning Ruby, i could have stayed there all day, if some one had brought me a cuppa, i would have, but had to get up and make my own, that is a no no.

    I am out tomorrow, today light duties, ironing away, shopping list to do, and clean bathroom, easy day.

    .. You enjoy yours what ever it brings, and least not raining, it was cold yesterday, wish it would make its mind up.

    Need some warmer weather, xxx

  • Good morning all. I'm up showered and ready to go the dentist,  so have a good day all. xx


  • Well my day, has been bits and pieces, yes it was a song years ago.

    Few little jobs,

    Then postman delivered a letter from British gas, regarding my complaint.

    So i phoned, them ,very nice call and i suggested, how they could improve their booking appointments for vulnerable customers,  they where well impressed, my talents are wasted, at times.

    Then had to phone GP for an appointment, not so easy, but got a phone call booked.

    Then had to phone Tesco regarding my vouchers have 30 pounds saved, and they have gone,

    a stray another very nice man.sorted, say everything comes in three;s.

    Happy Days xx

  • Hello Ellie, good things do happen to good people so well done you on getting 3 nice/good things sorted today! You can now treat yourself to a cup of tea but give yourself a pat on the back first Huggingxxxxx.