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Lovely morning - daily chit chat thread - no 10

  • 789 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hello everyone, here is the new lovely morning thread for all our daily chit chat. 

  • Hi Ulls I am dyslexic also, mine is spelling certain words and numbers. A teacher I had said to read every day , which I did. I read fairly fast.  But to write a letter or story takes for ever, can't remember how to spell alot of words. xx


  • Hi Moi dislexica is just an additional spice to life, I don't have problems with numbers, it's just letter's the one's that look the same the word little is just a lot of straight lines to me, supper pleased about auto correct.

  • My son is Dyslexic too. It effects his reading, writing and co ordination. Also if you were to give him four jobs to do, he would only remember two and he would have work out how to do them 'his way'. His maths isn't too bad and his spelling has got a lot better with spell check & speach to text etc.

    When he was young it was quite hard to work out what he had written and at the time we knew an lovely italian gentleman who's english wasn't that good.. so trying to work out what they were saying to each other in messages was hillarious  to all of us !! 


  • I don't know if you are aware of it but I'm dictating not writing, helps with the dislexica

  • Numbers, well 28 I know its 28 but write 82 you see I tend to write them back to front. Yes I also luv auto correct xx

  • Well it is Saturday, , thank goodness, kept thinking, yesterday was,

    Sun is sitt out and bright, though bit cjilly, siting quietly, while my company, is still a bed, oh these youngsters .

    Other company later, very tiring when you are normally here on your own, though nice, everyone, said my spag bowl was spot on, well still got the touch, lol'

     used to cooking for one,but just right.

    Hope you all have a lovely Day, mine i know, is going to be busy, 


  • I’ve posted my reply on your book club thread Moi, sorry only just caught up with thread. Things move on fast when you haven’t been on for a while 

    Jac x

  • Good morning everyone! We’re away in Exeter and hubby is sleeping soundly beside me! He doesn’t sleep well so catches up when he can. The sun is shining and I want to get up and explore though so will have to wake him otherwise day will disappear before our eyes! I haven’t had chance to catch up on here yet but hope you are all having a lovely Easter weekend and that the sun is shining where you are.

    Jac x

  • Good morning Jac, I'm pleased you are enjoying your holiday, sound's like your husband's is aswell.

  • Good Morning all had a wee lie in not up till 9, normally the sun wakes me. It's our 2 weekly card's night, we've made cheese and onion pastes and a corn beef pie for the supper break, got to feed the plonkies.