First Visit to Hospice

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So off I went this morning to a hospice just for an assessment.  It was very impressive. Bright, cheerful and with bat boxes and squirrels in the grounds. I think I'm going to have a go at some of the therapies on offer there. I sound a bit like an ageing hippy, which I probably am, but the whole place had a wonderful energy about it. Not at all what I was expecting.

  • Hi i am really pleased, that was our experience the first time we went, every one was so happy as such, really surprised, me,.

    We all have this impression it is for end of life, it is not, so much more than that.

    Though, when it was hubby's time, that is where he went, all i can say, it was wonderful and i am pleased he choose that, the care was unbelievable, five star treatment.x

  • I found it a very uplifting experience. So did my husband. Did either of you enjoy any particular therapies? I don't want to waste their time but some of them seem really appealing. Maybe I shouldn't be feeling so enthusiastic but it seems a long time since the future looked this entertaining to me. x

  • Yes i had rekie  and after a while so did my hubby, we both loved it, i have tosay, and was a day out, Lets know what you have,

  • what do you fancy there was some i could not have because at the time i was on chemo,

  • Hi Annamary

    I've just met 'my nurse' from my local hospice. She is lovely and kept drumming into me that the hospice is not just for end of life, if i have to go in it doesn't mean i'm not coming out ! She also said about the diferent things they can do for patients as well. 

    I'll be popping up to mine at some point to have as they hold coffee and craft afternoons etc

    My mum passed about a month ago in her local hospice. Her bed was by the window looking out onto beautifull gardens. They put bird feeders nr the window, we often saw a portly squirrel or two try to steal food from them.  There were lovely bench seats dotted around, i can imagine it would have been lovely to sit out there in the better weather.

    The staff were lovely and couldn't do enough for you.

    It was a lovely place for her to spend her last days.

    Cat x

  • I liked the sound of the aromatherapy and the reiki, although I'm not sure how to spell that! Yes, part of the attraction is definitely getting out of the house and going somewhere different. I'm waiting for a call from the hospice next week to see when I can start but I will surely let you know how it goes.

  • Yes. The impression I got was that the hospice is a positive place to be. I'm going to be popping in for a few sessions just to get the feel of the place. It was most certainly not the grim location I feared it might be. They also hold coffee mornings nearer to home and I may venture there first to get myself into the way of socialising again. It's been a long time. 

  • Hello AnnaMary, I just wanted to say that I have Reiki every few weeks along with Indian Head Massages at a local salon. With Reiki, I’ve noticed that the ‘uplifting’ effects can take a few sessions but I do hope you enjoy it. I am having aromatherapy at my local hospital’s Wellbeing Centre in a couple of weeks and I am looking forward to that! They will of course have your full medical history and will offer you personalised treatments. I look forward to hearing how it all goes - best wishes and I am sending you a hug xxxx.

  • Hi AnnaMary, I think most people including myself find their first visit to the Hospice different to what they had imagined. I had put it off for weeks and when I got there, wished I hadn't! I went to a set class with the first 45 minutes run by a physiotherapist then you stop for coffee & biscuits or cakes when you get a chance to talk to the others attending, after a 30 minute break they had a session of 45 minutes with a speaker, talking about things relevant. Like Occupation Therapist who could arrange help in the house, like stair lifts, handles on steps, walking & drinking aids etc. Someone from Social Security talking about getting financial help. Plus loads of other topics. I also arranged for Reflexology and Accupuncture. They have lots to choose from. I found it was a place to help you live rather than die. At Christmas they had lunches, fashion shows and dinners all fantastic we'll run events without a tear to be seen.

    I was also an in patient for 5 days to try to sort out my pain meds, it was nothing like a hospital.......the meals were delicious and the doctors and nurses caring.

    I wish you luck finding the right thing for you. In my local Marie Curie they let you have 15 minute tasters of any therapies you fancied, so you could choose the ones you felt most benifit from. Please let us know what you choose to do and how it goes!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I am so keen to get started. All any of us have is the here and now and we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it. Today the sun is shining, the daffodils are blooming and I feel fortunate to be here experiencing it all. Tomorrow may be different but today is a good day. I will let you know how it all goes.  xxxx