First Visit to Hospice

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  • 43 subscribers

So off I went this morning to a hospice just for an assessment.  It was very impressive. Bright, cheerful and with bat boxes and squirrels in the grounds. I think I'm going to have a go at some of the therapies on offer there. I sound a bit like an ageing hippy, which I probably am, but the whole place had a wonderful energy about it. Not at all what I was expecting.

  • That all sounds wonderful. I am currently having problems with group activities as I can't talk properly and eating or drinking in public is tricky. So at first I'm opting for one to one therapies. I love your description of Christmas in a hospice. I hope to experience it myself, all being well. Or as well as it gets! I will share my experiences as they happen.  Hopefully starting next week. Have a brilliant Sunday everyone.