Feeling sorry for myself

  • 13 replies
  • 45 subscribers

So clocks go forward tonight  is anyone else dreading Summer when others all around are planning things and basically you don't no if you will even see Sumner. I'm feeling so sorry for myself today as I'm sat here full of cold talking to meself as usuall x

  • Hi Bev


    Please  try not to fill sorry for yourself, it is not easy, but you are here now, that is the main thing.

    I am looking forward to the summer, it lifts my spirits, and i may not see next years, so i will try and make the most of    the one coming up. 

    I  loved doing my garden though this year i will struggle, but will do what i can.

    I am not going to waste my time worrying,  of what might be, but try and enjoy, what i have,

    I also live on my own, my music keeps me going and i would be lost without it.

    None of us know, if we will see summer, Christmas, or what ever, each day, i try and make the most of it, i do have my down moments,, then big girl knockers pulled up, and go forward.

    Try and focus, you are here and that is good,

    Always here Ellie xxx

  • I talk to myself all the time, and always get the right answer, so you not alone in that,xxx

  • Seeing other people enjoying themselves is hard when you're alone. People often don't understand the dark paths your mind will find to wander down. I've been on anti depressants for about a month and they really do help. Don't refuse any offers of assistance, I would say. People usually want to help and there are some really good professional services available too. You will climb out of this trough. Someone said that to me and I didn't believe it. Yet here I am. Life does go on and a cold is making you feel worse. Please stay with us and someone will make you feel better eventually. Some of my medications say "Don't go out in the sunlight" as if I'm a Creature of the Night. I'll just have to wait a bit longer to venture out from tomorrow. Take care. Thinking of you. xxx

  • Good advice, Ellie. I think you were the first person to respond to me and it really helped. I haven't been on the Macmillan site for long but it's a good place to be. Please stay with us, Bev. I don't live alone but you can't expect family to understand what they've never experienced. It's good to talk to others who do. xxx

  • Thankyou your words mean a lot. Yes I think your right and this cold is making me feel more sorry for meself than usual. Your mind is a powerful weapon especially when you live alone. I've been on antidepressants for years and seeing councellers every week. Most weeks I'm OK well as ok as you can be. I feel all my friends have now deserted me aswell as in the beginning they were all over me now I dont see them. So really they not friends are they. X

  • That made me laugh lol x

  • Thankyou Ellie. I think this cold I've got and summer coming as made me feel sorry for meself.  I need to pull meself together x

  • I have a spare pair of Big girl knickers you can have,xxx

  • Good, i am pleased, costs nothing if you can make some one laugh, i can see the funny side of things, lolxxx

  • Low times come and go but with all that's going on it would be unnatural not to feel sad at times. You'll get through this. You're a strong person to have come this far. This unhappy time will pass and you will start feeling better. xxx