Feeling sorry for myself

  • 13 replies
  • 45 subscribers

So clocks go forward tonight  is anyone else dreading Summer when others all around are planning things and basically you don't no if you will even see Sumner. I'm feeling so sorry for myself today as I'm sat here full of cold talking to meself as usuall x

  • Hi AnnaMary, I have malignant melanoma so when I go out in the sun, I have factor 50 sun cream, long cotton trousers, long sleeved cotton top, sun glasses and a large sun hat. But I'd rather do that than stay indoors all the time. Actually when you go out, covered up, you then realise how many others who have blue eyes and fait hair and skin, do the same! It's better than getting burnt! Don't be afraid of the summer, just plan for it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I do the same Anndanv. I am a hazel eyes, fair skinned, faded redhead. We have a pop up pergola for the garden and I often use an umbrella as a parasol.

    I find I feel happier outside and my lifelong background anxiety lessens. 

  • I have also experienced the friends deserting you thing. I don’t think it’s all their fault, they’ve all got busy lives but wouldn’t hurt to give them a ring or text. Or make new friends at your local caver charity like Helen Rollason or similar or a mix of both. When you’re first diagnosed it’s such a shock all round and friends are there to support but then it all becomes the new normal and you get a bit forgotten. I would invite them over offer to get together for a walk, drink, meal or whatever. Good luck and stick with us on here. There’s always someone to chat to here x