What i'm doing, hope to do, or would like to do this summer

  • 148 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Evening lovely people

Just wondering what everyone is up to this summer, If anything, have you booked a holiday, special day out or just a treat for the afternoon, evening. Something that's going give you something to look forward to.. a small boost.

It may give those of us who haven't decided yet ideas of what they can do, wether it be big or small.

I have booked to go a local..ish, small three day music festival in July,  I'm also seeing Billy Gibbons { from ZZ Top } in consert, thankfully that is local as well,

I would also love to take my van, Mr T {swb ford transit van with basic camper converstion} up to yorkshire to visit the James Herriot museum. But i am i little worried it will be too much for me with the distance etc.  My only saving grace is that if i do get too tired i can climb in the back for a kip and a cup of coffee anytime, with no real deadline to get home.

Cat x

  • I see that you're an old biker? You'll find a fair few here. I used to ride a BSA 650cc Road Rocket and missed it very much when I said goodbye to it, but...needs must.  Rainie x

  • Chell, that's wonderful. I'm into my family history too. Haven't had to go too far for one side - just into Suffolk - but have got back to 1240. The other side is needle-in-a-haystack time bogged down in London. I did find one interesting thread that would take me to the USA - they were Mormons -  but having found out what they got up to I'm not inclined to visit.  Fascinating though, but I found it was something I couldn't pick up and put down - I had to go at it for months on end or else I lost the thread. How about you?  Rainie x

  • Hi Shadders

     I'm not sure what's caused it, i'm only guessing the cancer, and they didn't say when i was in hospital. Only that i should see my oncologist asap. I think they only were only interested in keeping me there to make sure it didn't happen again.

    I 'm seeing him on Tuesday, so hopefully i'll get some answers.

    I'm feeling better, thank you, just taking it very easy.

    Cat x

  • It's in the blood isn't it

    I so miss it too.

    Cat x

  • Glad you’re feeling better Cat x

  • We’re planning to visit Exeter for a few days. I’ve never been. Any tips on what to see there anyone? 
    Jac x

  • I am about an hours drive away from Exeter, but the only time i've been is to Ikea or to pick up my sister from the airport. so not much help .. sorry !!

    Cat x

  • Lol! Might be a trip to IKEA then Joy

  • I am doing fine just fighting side effects of the treatment,  I drifted away from the forums and hit a bit of a downward spiral mentally but OK again now.

    How are you doing?

    Sorry for the late reply 

  • Hi Keith, Yes, we all get those dips down from time to time. Treatments that are so exhausting make it hard to bounce back sometimes, but I hope you are now coming up the other side? I'm still stable at the moment and trying to get the best from each day, though my energy levels are pants at the moment. But as we say, Onwards & upwards. Hope to see you around. Rainie x