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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • Morning All

    Morton, wonderful! Hope you had a lovely time but so sorry to read about your wife’s relatives, what a shock for all. Hope the weekend away helped to restore you both.

    Ellie hope that watching your washing blowing in the breeze helps you feel a bit better, and that the sun is shining on you. It’s rotten when you’re tired and feel down 

    I have been a busy bee this weekend, met friends on Saturday and did a boot sale yesterday, got rid of lots of rubbish! The stuff people buy! I’ve also been teaching myself to knit and going to a knitting workshop with a friend later this morning. 
    it’s a lovely sunny day here, have a good Monday all 

    Jac x

  • Morning, goodness, me, when did you get you busy been energy from, good on you, enjoy, xx

  • Morning Tricia, thanks for your kind thoughts, I had a whole 5hous uninterrupted sleep and that's good for me, I'm not expecting any surprises from oncologist, but I need to tell him that GP has put me on a second blood pressure tablet, side effects of my C treatment.

  • Morning Tricia,,hope you well, just a few things going on, lol nothing good, lol

    Never mind it is Monday, need to be, in good frame of mind, and if sun comes out, brings you back up, Enjoy your day xx

  • I'm off for my second cycle of ipimumab/nivolumab and zoledronic acid infusion today. I hope everyone has the best day they can.

  • It is count down day, good for you, hope it goes well, xx

  • Dear Ulls, I hope your phone call goes well for you. Wishing you a good day and I hope you are ok.  

  • Morning Ellie, I love putting washing out on the line too! Sometimes it is the small things that keep us going - for the first time since last year, our bedding is out on the line. For me, it means I do pop out into the garden, get fresh air, listen to any birds (none nearby though due to our cat!). Wishing you and everyone on here a great day xxxxxx.

  • Well i am glad i am not the only one, love seeing a full line blowing, used to have so much when six here, washer woman, washer woman,.

    Now on my own, might start taking it in lol,.Only for the summer though.

    Enjoy your day. xx

  • Thanks Ruby I'll keep you informed