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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • Good morning everyone.  Had a difficult day yesterday.  My better half’s uncle had passed away in America and we were up in the night to “attend” the funeral online.  His daughter was there and looked sprightly.  We heard at 6pm our time that his daughter had passed away in the night.  Absolutely in shock, she was only 52 and it was far from expected.   My poor better half has lost 2 aunts and one cousin in about 8 weeks, aside from all I am going through.  

    Just another example of how precious life is and that we must live every single day as, as we all know, there is an end to all of this.  

    Sorry for the doom and gloom everyone.  I am going to have a good weekend, having some lunch today, then football and then fortunately the Better half and I have a wee night away booked tomorrow.  She will be much in need of that, as am I. 

    Have a lovely Saturday all and enjoy it  x x 

    M x 

  • Morning M Gutted to read that you and your wife are having such a horrendous time. Sending all my love and hugs to you both. Try and rest and recoup when you both  go away tomorrow although i do understand that  is almost impossible considering what you have both been going through. Look after yourselves Lots of love Tricia. xxx

  • Thank you Tricia, yes she is in shock I think. Thank you for your kindness and we will be able to have a wee bit of down time.  It;s so sad to think that the woman’s last day was spent upset at her Dads funeral.  Life isn’t  fair, it really isn’t.  The only thing is they are quite a widely spread family over geographically and everyone was in the same place yesterday which rarely happens.  Very strange.  Hope you have a good day Tricia. 

    M x x

    1. Hi Morton what your wife is going through is very sad, to lose somany so quick, but your right live for today and try to do things that make you happy, hope you're team beat Inverness.
  • Ho Ellie, both Julie and I think that is a wonderful pome, your so talented.

  • Thanks, it was Morton, said write a verse, so i did lol, xxx

  • Hi Annette I remember when you got the links put in. Was going to get it done today but will leave it till Sunday as town is very busy on a Saturday. Have a good day lovely xx


  • Good morning all, slept well again, Ray woke me very worried he thought I was dead !!!! My breathing was very shallow. Took a while to wake, but I'm ok. Temperature and blood pressure ok but sugars were ski high, but are coming down nicely. xx


  • Morning Moi. glad you slept well, and i never, still watching tv at 3am, and alarm was set for 6.30, long story, but half way there.  Shattered, but hey ho easy day then for me.

    At least still dry here, but might not be for long xxx

  • Thank you Ulls, its a big game today so hopefully a win.  Another draw for your team yesterday?