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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • Morning Morton

    Yes i am up,and ready to rock and roll. Shopping Day for me yippee,

    You made me smile, i used to drink coffee all day everyday, all my life,though after all my treatment the smell, of it made me hev and fill sick,  just started drinking it since last year, though only two cups a .day,

  • Oh Yes  up before alarm went of i must be desperate. to get out or something.xx

  • I do like a wee coffee with cake, as you know, I am nodding off here so I will go back to bed for a wee hour I think, take the sleep while it is on offer :) 

    M x

  • Morton Good one, we will learn, though glad, you had, quiet a good sleep.

    Good one ginger cake for breakie, nice one lol xx

  • Yes do that, why not, good reason you have. xxx

  • Morning Everyone

    Looks ok out and dry, but all to change, and be really cold, that is exciting, clocks go forward, all or nothing.

    Out,  because needs must, other wise, i would still be ine bed.

    Have a good day, what ever you want to do, it is your choice,


  • Morning everyone. Goodness this is early! I am a huge coffee drinker too but can’t drink a lot of it as it keeps me awake. I just have one a day and I make a ritual of it, grinding my own beans and percolating it in the hob. I love the smell. Glad to hear you two are feeling good this morning. I am up and at em too! Kettle is on, meds have been taken. Breakfast next. I have my third wheel throwing class today, clay not car wheels lol! Last morning of taking my daughter to the station. On Tuesday morning she is flying out to Bangkok to start her travel adventure. I will miss her so much and I’m a bit envious too and a little anxious. Sun is trying to break through here and I can see a few patches of blue. Have a great Friday everyone Jac x

  • Hi Jac, if you're daughter is going to Thailand the SCUBA diving off Phuket is not to be missed, if she doesn't dive no problems as beginner's are well looked after. Never been backpacking my self like hotel's to much.

  • Hi Annette, take no notice of the south coast Walley, it normally me he calls Norther bandit, just because my family took part in the jacobian rebellion and of course my family are from Eyemouth.

    Now he's including you and Morton in the bandit family.

  • Play the game and accept my ascendancy on here. The other option is to be exiled to Sheppey to groom sheep, that's where Sturgeon will find herself.

    ''You will never take our freedom'' ... we will see about that.