Hello all!

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Hi everyone!

It’s been so long since I posted and I’ve been thinking of all my friends here so much. I’m currently reading a book on stoicism (which is the philosophy I commandeered my username from) called Reasons Not To Worry. 

I’m not far in (10%, give or take) but it’s very insightful already. It’s written by a layperson rather than a philosopher, so it’s very engaging while being informative and very applicable to my situation.

How is everyone? My lovely partner has moved in with me. We had some teething problems that seem to have been ironed out (for the most part), and having someone here is such a big improvement in my life. He is so amazing and I am very, very lucky to have found him. The other day, we went on a lovely picnic date and he researched locations I could easily navigate with my walking frame for hours. He is just so thoughtful and I love him. 

My aunt is currently staying with us too, which is lovely. She cooked dinner for us last night has has been mothering me, which is great since I lost my own mother when I was 19. It’s  so nice not having to cook and clean at all, even highly-capable 27-year-olds need a mum every now and then! 

Last week, we had a 2-day offsite retreat for work (I attended virtually as it was too far away, in a different state, for me to attend). There, amongst other things, we were all asked to give feedback to one another. It was so lovely to hear what others thought of me, and how highly they regarded me. I try very hard to spread joy and love and am glad it’s translating. 

Please everyone update me on what’s going on in your lives. I hope you are all going as well as you can be in our position. 

All my love and prayers,


  • Good to hear from you. You sound very well and positive. I've had an afternoon out today, over to the hospital to have my radiotherapy mask fitted. It wasn't too bad until they did the CT scan afterwards. I hadn't realised how tight the mask would be when they attach you to the table. For some reason I kept thinking of The Man in the Iron Mask, although I'm sure his experience was far worse than mine. 

    For some reason my mood has improved considerably now things are actually occurring. It's better to feel something is happening rather than just waiting. Next Thursday I start 5 days of radiotherapy to see if the cancer beast can be returned to its cage .

    Your new partner sounds like just what you need and your aunt sounds lovely too. My husband is becoming quite good at cooking and washing up. 

    Take care and I hope the sun is shining where you are.

    Very best wishes. xxx

  • Hi Mementomori. You are such a positive person and so good to hear that you are letting others look after you and show their love for you. How wonderful to hear positive things from your colleagues, what a lovely thing to do. It’s making me a bit emotional reading that. We need the positives in our lives more than ever when we are struggling with life limiting illnesses. 
    Thank you for updating us. 
    Jac x

  • Hi, It is good you decided to come back! Your aunt sounds great helping with cooking etc. my mum also died when I was almost 19 so I know how hard it can be. After diagnosis I started to teach my husband how to use the cooker and make simple meals. I also have now shown him how to work the Microwave and Dishwasher, Dysonetc but we've sort of come to a standstill trying to show him how the Virgin TiVo box works. He just says, "oh you do it please, it's much faster!" It's good you have a loving partner. Can he cook? Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi mementomori, how lovely to hear from you again. Hey, you sound so happy with your life in general. You say you are very very lucky to have him? Well, can I just say that he is very, very lucky to have you. You seem to be such a lovely person. Isn't that always the the way though? The worst things happen to the nicest people.

    I don't want to bore you with what's happening in my life,, I've been writing some posts in a couple of threads on the site so you can have a good read. If you can't find anything I'll send a direct message to you. I don't want to take other's time to read what I have written previously. It's not fair to them.  

    I'm so glad you posted again with such happiness exuding from your content. 

    Take care mementomori

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi  

    Lovely to hear from you, it sounds like life is going well for you. The book sounds very interesting. I've got 2 books lined up, With the end in mind by Katherine Mannix and Radical Remission by Kelly A Turner. I had my 6/12 after chemo CT scan at the weekend and have an oncology review at the end of March. I think I'm ok but you never know. Glad you've got good support around you.

    A x

  • If you look up Simone Gertz on YouTube, you’ll find a video where she creates a lamp out of her mask at the end of her treatment!!

    You get used to the mask after a while but it is confronting at first. I spent an hour and a half in it for 4 weeks and it definitely got easier. 

  • Hi Annette!

    I’m glad your husband is learning for you! My partner is not the most domesticated but he’s willing to learn like yours. 

    - MM

  • Hi Jac! Thank you so much for your message. It was so lovely to hear that from my colleagues and really put a pep in my step! I feel like I appreciate everything so much more, now that I am in this situation.

  • I think we agree we are lucky to have one another. We complement each other beautifully, I am such a structured and Type A personality, and he is artistic and a typical Type B. We are yin and yang and my aunty was actually saying that to me recently, unprompted, even though he and I have been saying it to one another since we started dating.

    I'll have a good read of your posts, as I feel like you're one of the good friends I've made here.

    Take care yourself, tvman!

    - MM

  • There are so many books on my to-read list at the moment! I've been using Blinkist to get a summary of the book and see if it's something I'd like to read, but I'm on a free trial at the moment and don't think it's worth paying for. I think it's better just to give each book a shot, and stop reading it if it isn't engaging me. 

    Let me know how your books go! 

    I'm sending you all the prayers and love I can, and if you're not religious you can take them as positive vibes. I truly believe that life is ultimately good, and feel so blessed to wake up every morning. I hope you can feel the same!

    - MM xx