Managing fear longterm

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  • 48 subscribers

It's been a month since my diagnosis by the urologist. Some days are better than others. Denial seems to help. During this time I spent 12 days in hospital having a pleural effusion drained and an infection treated.

I am finding confronting reality hard. I feel sick with fear when I think about it. I have my first oncology appointment next Monday morning, so may have a better idea then of how much my cancer has spread, and any treatment options. 

I have no idea how the process of dying happens over the weeks and months before death. I don't know what to expect. Any ideas on how to find out, and how to not be paralysed by fear so I can make the most of what time I have left?

I am already weak, and have no appetite, so I am expecting oncology to say my kidney cancer which has spread to both lungs is already quite advanced.

I read the posts on this group and admire how you keep going. I want to be like that, not fade away in fear and misery.

  • I read it such a long time ago that I can't remember that bit. From what you have said I probably would have agreed with you. I imagine that it's not possible to agree with everything in it.

    I think I may have to revisit the book just to look at that part.

    I expected the book to cause some tears, but not some upset to you like that. I am sorry for that.  Xxx

  • I think, considering the subject, some upsetting parts are inevitable. It's not your fault, and the book helps a lot x

  • Yes that's the one Lucy.

    It's really interesting how we all interpret that story differently.

    I saw it as, - even if she was a bit manic, did it matter at that stage? The mania was making her euphoric, which I've read can take away some of the fear of dying.

    So maybe dampening those emotions down isn't always right.

    I would rather go out like that than have everybody all miserable and depressed and quiet and in a dark room.

    But who knows how any of us will react when the time comes.
