Last scan results in

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  • 50 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

My oncologist called yesterday to tell me the news: I remain in the Stable Mabel Club.

A miniscule bit of scarring showed up, but he said it was insignificant and nothing to worry about. Carry on with the 6-monthly scan regime.

Well, I'll take that!  Won't have to cancel my holiday. Phew! I have been really wound up this time round.

A certain someone on here told me I'd 'lost my mojo'. They were right.

I've felt so low since Xmas. Haven't picked a paintbrush up for several months now, so I need to do something about that.

I also saw my surgeon and he tells me as long as I wear a mask when in company, I should get out more and get back exhibiting.

Time to get back to the rockface [or canvas]

Rainie xxx

  • Hi Ranie

    Glad to hear your scan results were good, hopefully hearing that will entice your mojo back again !

    I keep staring at my drawing board and think i should get on with some Pyrography, like you i've not done any in months.  Just feel tired most of the time due to the medication.

    I'd love to see some of your work.

    Cat x

  • Hi Cat, I just revived the art thread and put two up. I've been really tired too. Just sleeping so badly of late that I feel like an old dish-rag. Maybe we can jolly each other along and get back to creating our stuff? Rainie x

  • Good News Rainie, long may it continue. xx

  • Great news so pleased for you xxx

  • Hi Rainie, I'm so sorry you are feeling down and lost your mojo there. I blame January, because it comes right after Christmas and it is a dark abysmal month when both the night and part of the day are dark. Also it's usually cold and wet, so most people start to feel better when it is done.

    I saw your photos and they are great. How can you feel low when you can,produce such beautiful work! So what's the next project? I do hope we see it soon!

    It is terrific you are getting your holiday. We are in Benidorm just now. It has been 3 years since we've been here, due to COVID and I'm shocked how many things I could do then that I can't do now. But we just have to get on with it eh? Onward and upward!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That is excellent news. It's so good to hear this. It's such a wonderful thing, to hear of someone getting positive results. Onwards and upwards. xxx

  • Oh Rainie that's really news that I trust has put your mind at ease. How pleased I am for you Grinning Get those brushes out girl, you'll have a painting or two done before I get a basket done!

    Take care Rainie

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Great news Ranie, hope you get your mojo back asap.

    Have a good day.


  • Hi Annette, Yes, you are right. Winter is a downer for many , added to poor sleep and a big dollop of anxiety, it's no wonder we get into bad places from time to time. I started singing again recently and that is helping with my breathing. Roll on better weather. Glad you are in the warmth anyway. We have to concentrate on what we can do. I know what you mean about finding out you can no longer manage something you once did without thinking about it. Another adjustment to make!  Hope you're having a lovely time.  Rainie x

  • I wish the same for everyone on here. Keep being as positive as you all can and be kind to yourselves.  Rainie x