Last scan results in

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  • 50 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

My oncologist called yesterday to tell me the news: I remain in the Stable Mabel Club.

A miniscule bit of scarring showed up, but he said it was insignificant and nothing to worry about. Carry on with the 6-monthly scan regime.

Well, I'll take that!  Won't have to cancel my holiday. Phew! I have been really wound up this time round.

A certain someone on here told me I'd 'lost my mojo'. They were right.

I've felt so low since Xmas. Haven't picked a paintbrush up for several months now, so I need to do something about that.

I also saw my surgeon and he tells me as long as I wear a mask when in company, I should get out more and get back exhibiting.

Time to get back to the rockface [or canvas]

Rainie xxx