New Skills

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  • 47 subscribers

Hi everyone, l saw a post on another thread from  that she is learning a new skill of calligraphy. That's prompted me to begin a new thread entitled New Skills, Elliekate is learning one every month. I'll be happy beginning and mastering the basics of one every year but maybe given my bone marrow cancer diagnosis, I'll try to learn the basics of one every 6 months. I've been diagnosed now almost 8 years so wish I'd started earlier! 

I'm going to learn willow weaving, I planted 1500 willow trees for 5 or so years until my back gave up 7 years ago. I hope to harvest the trees from now for fuel for my wood burning boiler stove that will do my central heating once I dry the wood.

1500 trees gives me more branches that I'll need and I now have some willow whips that are different colours for making baskets etc. I'm not what you would call arty but I can follow instructions in 3 or 4 books I have on the subject.

Anyone else started a new skill lately or have I sparked any interest and inspired anyone?

I made a few of these 3 or 4 years ago. Never did woodworking in my life, put a few shelves up and put skirting up but never actually made anything. Proud of them I am, Mrs Tvman did the paintwork.

Take care everyone

Tvman xx 

  • I'm also knitting squares for a shared family blanket, it has become a tradition to make one for new babies in the family. I've previously shared a picture of one that was made for me when I was first diagnosed.


  • It's a simple jacket in moss stitch, I look forward to seeing your willow projects, i didn't realise that you can grow different colours!


  • Ooh Sarah that sounds lovely, pictures please!!

    I love the sound of your family tradition. My partner made me promise to leave the blankets I've knitted to her. That spurred me on to get the one I'm making finished while I'm still here!

    I love moss stitch. It's one of the prettiest simple stitches I think Slight smile

  • This is the blanket for me from my family, it's made up of left over squares that were knitted for baby blankets, so it includes a couple that I knitted! I really felt wrapped in hugs when I received it. HeartHeart


  • Yes Sarah, if you look at baskets in the shops you'll maybe see that the base has 2 or 3 different colours. Sometimes the item being made has no bark on it because the wood has been steamed to help the bark to be stripped off. Initially to help bend the wood it needs to be soaked in water for a day or so.

    I've been photographing willow items for sale to see how it's done and then again there are books or internet to show the steps.

    Take care Sarah

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Sarah, I've just seen your blanket, it is amazing!

    I have just posted a picture of one of the three Cross Stitch pictures I did for our grandchildren.

    When I posted it and then checked, it had posted twice. I deleted ONE of the posts BUT the site seems to have deleted both, so I will try again. If three are posted, I'm sorry, I tried!!

    Our son took this photo as it hangs on our grandson's room.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Swoon! That's so gorgeous, love all that edging, looks so clever to me. I can't crochet at all

  • That's lovely Annette 

  • Thanks Sarah, It's not crochet, it's Cross Stitch which is easier but takes a lot of patience. You can start small, they come in packs. You can get a Book Mark to start with.

    If you zoom into the pic you will see it is ALL made up of crosses.

    The kit comes with all the wool and the pattern on the page, all you do is one colour at a time. Then I got them framed because I hoped they'd be keepsakes!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Brilliant Annette, love it!

    Love life and family.