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Lovely Morning no 7 Onwards and Upwards

  • 1059 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Morning start of another month.

This is a chit chat thread, talk about every days things as such..going for scan, bloods, how you fill , what you done today if anything. or a load of rubbish.


If you have a special subject to talk about please start a new thread.

Other thread was getting a bit full up.So new month new Thread.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Well a few months makes all the difference, my friend who's 7 month young all ways refers to me as old man, what a cheek.

  • Sorry to hear that, don't be jealous your wife thinks the world of you.

  • Yes fed and watered, not 100 per cent though, tender care works wonders. xx

  • Excellent things can only get better.

  • They can only go up, that's for sure. x

  • Hi Morton My first contact with local hospice was a home visit too! I do hope you hit it off with her or him! 
    So, are you playing or watching football? I suspect the latter. Anyway I hope ur team win! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Morton, Thanks for the sub pix.

    My Dad was a submariner in the war - HMS Tiptoe and later HMS Sirdar. Tiptoe's anchor is a monument at Blyth.[she was scrapped]. He did the sea trials in a Scottish loch - the first all-welded sub and they went down to see if the joints would pop. Lots of groaning and leaks he said. After that, he was in the Pacific and stationed at Freemantle in Ozland.

    I've always been fascinated with subs and hope one day to visit Gosport, where Dad did his training.

    Thanks, Rainie x

  • Hi Ellie, it was just a wee introduction meeting, the community nurse and she was really just saying hello and how they could help now and in the future. She was very nice and we had a good wee chat so it was good and helpful.  Hope your day is going well. 

    Also I have just had ice cream with broken Freddos all mixed in it, top Friday dinner :) 

    M x 

  • She was very nice Annette, just watching tonight.  It is on TV on BBC Scotland but I will go for the wee trip out, my pal is picking me up.  Funnily enough I used to play football with the Hospice Nurse’s colleagues husband lol.  It is a small world. 

    Hope you are having a good break Annette 

    M x 

  • You are very welcome.  They are amazing machines and I would think you would have to be brave to work on them.  That must have been scary.  Knowing some welders locally I don’t think I would have went down in it lol! Hope you get down to Gosport.  I just missed the big one today, Nurse was in.  That comes up with a lot of boats alongside, police and special services etc.  The river is fascinating I think. 

    Hope you have had a great day 

    M x