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Lovely Morning no 7 Onwards and Upwards

  • 1059 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Morning start of another month.

This is a chit chat thread, talk about every days things as such..going for scan, bloods, how you fill , what you done today if anything. or a load of rubbish.


If you have a special subject to talk about please start a new thread.

Other thread was getting a bit full up.So new month new Thread.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Good Morning Ellie and all my friends Heart

    It's brilliant clear but chilly, other than me not a single soul in the woods this morning, whilst I'm not a twit cher I do like to hear the dawn choris, started out with a torch but stopped using it as the dawn was braking.

  • Morning Ulls

    What a lovely walk, wish i had that, but cannot have everything.

    Good for you, bet it is cold outside here, just looks like a Xmas card, but was lovely yesterday, could turn out the same today.


  • Hi Annette, hope you got a sleep! Sounds like a good cocktail. 

    M x 

  • Morning all, well clearly the cocktail of drugs yesterday were quite sedating.  Had a great sleep and feel ok today, no adverse impact on me yet so one day at a time and onwards and upwards.  Hope you are all well.  A day of rest for me. Maybe a wee walk for fresh air later but that’s it 

    Have a good one 

    M x 

  • Ho yes it's cold, I was well wrapped up. So don't worry I'll take good care of myself for you.

  • There are times I'd like something to give me a full night's sleep, bet I'd probably wet the bed, heads or tails can't win.

  • Oh I know, it is a quandary.  I was up to toilet but unusually fell back asleep again.  


  • Hi Morton

    So pleased, that is good, do not talk to soon, one never knows.

    Not sure about you, though i had steroids for four days, two before treatment day and two after, when they stopped  for me wham bang thank you mam, like i had been hit by brick wall,

    Every one is different,nothing one can do, though you do get in a routine as such.

    Yes Onward and Upwards, , do not worry be Happy, always look on the bright side of life,

    That is without a drink as such lol


  • Well done M. Have a nice rest, listen to uour body, needs rest so rest needs food so eat. Sensing hugs xx


  • Pleased to hear, that, we have to, as we get a little older, don't we. xx