Three Good Things

  • 51 replies
  • 48 subscribers

This was a thread that was started by a good friend here and unfortunately 3 or 4 years ago she passed away. She was everyone's friend with a great knowledge of many subjects. The title of the thread gives a feeling of positivity and happiness. My three good things for yesterday are:

  1. A good friend was given the all clear from cancer after having a mastectomy last year.
  2. I received 50 willow plants that I'd sent away for, they're 5 different colours to add to my 1,500 trees I planted over 5 years. I want to take up willow basketry etc.
  3. I went to my favourite tropical fish keepers' shop where I picked up a voucher my daughter had sent me and I went home with some beautifully coloured tropical fish.  

Tvman xx 

  • Hi everyone

    Thanks for your lovely appreciation friends, you're so kind. It was someone else who began this thread a few years ago and I have just revived it. 

    My three good things are 

    1. I'm at my daughter's house just outside Peterborough.
    2. Had a lovely Sunday roast last night that my daughter made
    3. I've had a lovely time with my grandchildren since coming here. My grandson insists on reading a chapter of his book to me every night before he goes to sleep. 

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Ah Tvman, that's nice your grandson wants to read U a bedtime story, instead of the other way around. I think children are more perceptive than adults give them credit for. Enjoy every minute! X

    My 3 good things are,

    1.  I have slept at least 4 hours every nite since we got here!

    2. weather & food great.

    3. Our Grandson bought Vince & I a bag of Pick N Mix to share, using Euros I gave him for his holidays! When I said the money was for him to spend on himself he answered "But Gran it was only €2 & I got one for Mum & Dad too & 1 for myself & I've still got loads of €uros left because you gave me a fortune!" LOL!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • 3 lovely things Annette. So glad you've got to have some good night's sleep too! Slight smile xx

  • Annette, that's a very thoughtful little grandson you have and I have no doubt that your granddaughters would do exactly the same thing.

    I'm pleased for you to get so much sleep for once, must be the long walks in the sea air. 

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • My three good things

    1. Enjoying reading everyone's good things, thanks to Tvman for the revival!
    2. A lovely walk on the beach
    3. My mum made leek and potato soup for our lunch 

    The picture is my mum digging up the leeks for the soup


  • Excellent looking leeks Sarah, pass on my compliments to your Mum please.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • My 3 good things today are:

    1 Went for a walk and heard beautiful birdsong and the breeze in my face. 

    2 Feeling I have a little more energy and not so down today

    3 Eating my daughters delicious sushi that she made at work in a well-being twilight (veggie). What a great company they are ( she also gets to cuddle puppies once a week!)

    Thanks tvman, just doing this helps to focus on the good things in life.

    Jac x

  • I bet that soup was delicious with such fresh ingredients Sarah, clever Mum! 
    Jac x

  • Can I cheat and add another? We’ll I’m going to anyway. The snowdrops I planted last year have bloomed and  brought me a lot of joy when I spotted them this week as I didn’t think any had grown. 

    Jac x

  • I'm missing my snowdrops, we had our drive rebuilt and they haven't appeared since
