Three Good Things

  • 51 replies
  • 48 subscribers

This was a thread that was started by a good friend here and unfortunately 3 or 4 years ago she passed away. She was everyone's friend with a great knowledge of many subjects. The title of the thread gives a feeling of positivity and happiness. My three good things for yesterday are:

  1. A good friend was given the all clear from cancer after having a mastectomy last year.
  2. I received 50 willow plants that I'd sent away for, they're 5 different colours to add to my 1,500 trees I planted over 5 years. I want to take up willow basketry etc.
  3. I went to my favourite tropical fish keepers' shop where I picked up a voucher my daughter had sent me and I went home with some beautifully coloured tropical fish.  

Tvman xx 

  • I do hope the fish went well with chips?

  • Hi Tvman, I've never heard of a Fish Keepers Shop, is it the same as a Fishmongers where you can buy fish for your dinner. Or is it the kind of place you buy real fish, for a fish tank maybe?

    Achancer, I wonder what colour the chips were??

    my three things for today

    1 We collected our Grandson from school

    2  We enjoyed playing games. Ludo, Scrabble and a couple of Word games.

    3 After we all had dinner, our grandson recited a poem he had learned at school for Burns Day. ( It was terrific but I didn't understand a word, so both      my husband and grandson had a good laugh about that! Then explained it to me)

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Joy I don't know why I called it that, it's a shop where you buy tropical fish for a tank. I bought 8 new ones and some are really beautifully coloured. 

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • My three good things today...

    My knee is healing.

    Glad we have air con

    got my first present for my birthday tomorrow

  • Hi Pet, A Very Happy Birthday when it comes! Are you doing anything special?

    I see you couldn't resist letting us how hot it is hot where you are (LOL!) while I have a hot water bottle in bed with me, it's freezing here! Have a great day, hope you get spoiled!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I love your positivity

  • Hi Pet, I read your post during the night but fell asleep before I could write this. That's great to hear that your knee is healing because as we're becoming increasingly older our healing rate is slowing down. 

    You might still be up now because it's 11.30 our time so it's getting close to your birthday. So happy birthday Pet, hope you have a lovely day and get spoilt by family and/or friends. You can let us know how well you spent your day.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • My 3 good things from yesterday are:

    1. My girl friend smiling

    2. Cake made by our neighbour's daughter to thank us for pruning the hedge

    3. Finishing my '5k your way' at the local park run

  • Happy birthday Pet, hope you have a good day . My 3 best things  

    1. I slept well

    2. Good sugar levels yesterday

    3.Enjoyed my short walk


  • Thank you Moi and  and Ellie...had a good day, sort of. Very fatigued today sadly. But hubby sung happy birthday, made brekkie , had some presents, friends phoned and messaged, some came over, step daughter made dinner. So it was a good day..but i'm soooooooo tired. Well you know how it feels.