Been out of the loop

  • 19 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Well folks after a short absence, I’m back but in a lesser capacity.

To say the last couple of months has been hard is an understatement. The time after my first Immunotherapy infusion was taken up by getting pain meds and constipation under control. “Next treatment was rushed into A&E as very poorly, lot of pain, sweating, shivering low temperature, dizzy, vomiting. It was caused by acute cholecystitis. An inflammation of the gallbladder. Was in for 10 days on antibiotics, fluids, analgesia, anti nausea - not pleasant.

The third infusion seemed to go well then a week later back into hospital with the same symptoms. This time it's just 7 days.

I’m now as weak as a kitten with no energy. Spend most of my time shuffling from bedroom to bathroom to conservatory with naps in between. For someone who got up before 7 every day, walked 3-5 miles daily it’s torture. Didn't think it was possible to sleep so much.

My dosage from one of the drugs had been halved after the first problem and then was further reduced after the second. A CT scan I’d had in hospital.had shown little reduction on the tumours so my Oncologist had started to debate whether to continue with treatments which would be curtains for me. Anyway, I upped my dosage from 8mg to 10 and my pain has lessened. I'm feeling a bit better  so I hope things are working and killing the little bugger.

My last treatment was Friday the 13th so I hope that is not an omen So far no problems fingers crossed..

My typing is taking forever so shorter posts! plus my laptop seems to weigh a ton. I hadn’t looked at the site for the last few weeks so l take a while to catch up with folk.

Much love Barb xx

  • Oh I am so sorry to hear this, really hope they sort things out for you, you have had a few rough weeks, that's for sure.

    It is so frustrating, when you was so active, that you have to take it a bit easier, but you have to, your body needs to recover, may take a bit of time.

    Onwards and Upwards, this is a real hard journey at times, though hopefully they can sort everything right for you.

    Glad you had the time to do this e mail, one task a day, if need be, then aim for two.

    Sleep they satay is the best medicine, please do not be a stranger., appear when you are capable.

    Thoughts are with you.

    Ellie xxx

  • Blimey Mrs B, that all sounds very unpleasant. You have struggled before and came through so I am hoping and wishing for the same this time. Xx

  • I'm glad Fridays session went ok for you Barb. Pleased you're back but be careful and take it easy,

    A x

  • Barb it is lovely to hear from you, but so sorry you have had such a horrid time of it. Glad to hear the pain has lessened, and hope you start to feel more like yourself soon. Take care, sending you a hug xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • I'm sorry to read you have gone through so much, if you're body say's rest just do it, is going your last session went ok and I hope you continue to improve, big hugs. Ulls 

  • A really horrible time for you. Hopefully you've passed the worst of it and will start to see little improvements each day. Keep shuffling, you'll get there! Kissing heart xx

  • Hi Barb, Welcome back to the fold! I see you have had a rotten time recently so hopefully it's time to get a little stronger day by day.

    You say your meds went from 8mgs to 10mgs and it has helped with the pain. Could I ask what pain med you are on? I seem to have tried most of them now and still don't sleep well. I told my husband he might have to buy a large hammer for night time! Lol! Don't try and catch up, just take it from now, you will soon catch up with the goss!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Barb wow you've been well and truly through the mill. So sorry for you because I wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy. I really hope that you have now turned the corner and your frail body has a chance to recover and get some energy back. 

    On a more positive note it's fantastic to hear from you as when we don't hear from you for so long it's worrying. I realise that your recovery is going to be a long slow process so no more interruptions please and we get a good healthy Barb back on site and posting.

    Take care Barb

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Gosh Barb what a rotten time for you. I am told that my immununothrepy is successful for now as my tumours have not grown. - called stable, for two years Reducing is not possible and growing will happen at some point now I’m off the infusions and on to daily tablets only. Uncharted territory and little data as quite new combination. So I could go in sixth months, a year, who knows. My local hospice does outreach sessions and I find them very helpful. 

  • Hi Barb, I have been having problems signing in. This was meant to be on the bottom of my last reply, but it wouldn't allow me to edit!

    I see you mention about your laptop seeming to weigh a ton! I had that problem with my older iPad. I use a "Beanie" cushion to lean it on and found it great. Recently I bought an iPad Mini and still use the cushion to rest it on.  You will find them online by putting Beanie cushion in the search box. It's worth a try!

    i hope your pain meds are still working!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!