Been out of the loop

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  • 50 subscribers

Well folks after a short absence, I’m back but in a lesser capacity.

To say the last couple of months has been hard is an understatement. The time after my first Immunotherapy infusion was taken up by getting pain meds and constipation under control. “Next treatment was rushed into A&E as very poorly, lot of pain, sweating, shivering low temperature, dizzy, vomiting. It was caused by acute cholecystitis. An inflammation of the gallbladder. Was in for 10 days on antibiotics, fluids, analgesia, anti nausea - not pleasant.

The third infusion seemed to go well then a week later back into hospital with the same symptoms. This time it's just 7 days.

I’m now as weak as a kitten with no energy. Spend most of my time shuffling from bedroom to bathroom to conservatory with naps in between. For someone who got up before 7 every day, walked 3-5 miles daily it’s torture. Didn't think it was possible to sleep so much.

My dosage from one of the drugs had been halved after the first problem and then was further reduced after the second. A CT scan I’d had in hospital.had shown little reduction on the tumours so my Oncologist had started to debate whether to continue with treatments which would be curtains for me. Anyway, I upped my dosage from 8mg to 10 and my pain has lessened. I'm feeling a bit better  so I hope things are working and killing the little bugger.

My last treatment was Friday the 13th so I hope that is not an omen So far no problems fingers crossed..

My typing is taking forever so shorter posts! plus my laptop seems to weigh a ton. I hadn’t looked at the site for the last few weeks so l take a while to catch up with folk.

Much love Barb xx

  • Hi Barb so sorry to hear you've had such a tough time. Great that your pain is easier. Just rest and rest 1 day at a time. Take care xx


  • Hi Annette. I have Zomorph, 10mg in the morning and 10 at night. Oramorph as and when needed but I avoid as it makes me like a zombie  I have liquid paracetamol instead.  The lenvatinib is the cancer fighting drug and I'm hoping less pain now I've gone up to 10mg from 8mg means its working.

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Barb, Thanks for your reply. I was hoping your pain relief was one I hadn't tried, but I have had Zomorph, I take Oramorph morning, night and twice or more during the day as needed. Yet still I can't sleep for the pain. I am also on Pain Patches (20+15) once a week, as well as paracetamol.

    I hope the drugs continue to work for you and help with your pain. I wonder could it be the combination of pain meds plus cancer drug working together. I hope you are fast asleep now. 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Annette, my chronic pain doctor asked me to drop my level of MST down from 130mg twice a day because a) it's not good to be on that amount of morphine and possibly more importantly b) the body gets used to that amount and it no longer has the same effect. Well, I'm now on only 50mg twice a day and I think that either I'm only having a little more pain or he's right.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman, I weened off MST a very long time ago now and can't say if it made any difference or not. I do think the longer you take certain drugs, the less effective they become!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Barb, So sorry I missed this post. Thinking of you and hoping things are looking up.  Rainie x

  • Hi Barb, just wordering how you are doing?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hiya Barb.

    Omg you've been through the mill, I hope you get things back on track as soon as. I feel for you and all you have been through.

    Sending you hugs hugs.


  • Hi Barb

    Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time.   Have you been on immunotherapy long? (I need to read your bio)

    I have a feeling I'm going to be taken off it soon, I've only had about 6 lots and it's caused so many problems and toxicity which seems crazy as I'm usually super fit. . I thought I'd sail through immunotherapy.
