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Lovely Morning No 6, Spring will soon be here.

  • 976 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Another new one after Christmas No 5 has had over 900 replies, so new one and hopefully this will suit everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Although it doesn't feel like it Ellie and Annette, when you see the green shoots of daffodils popping up it's a sign that spring IS on its way

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman sorry uour feeling the cold. The heated blanket sounds good.. I am hot alot of the time. The heating is on very low constantly and the flat is just the right temperature,  I even have to open windows when I get a flush xx


  • I have one, and also one that you have when siting down,

    Its cold but for goodness sake, its been for a short while, spring is on the way, mornings and evening are getting lighter.

    Other countries have this weather for weeks and weeks.

    So glad a did a knew thread, spring is on the way, we are going in the right direction. x, 

  • Morning lovely and bright and dry.

    For me today has got to be better than yesterday.

    I must have left this world last night and went to heaven, the best nights sleep, for a long long time was wonderful was shattered.

    Though sorry yes i have come back, sorry about that, but hey i have.

    Have a good day everyone. xx

  • Morning Ellie,  yes spring is here, we went for our hour out yesterday to the park and even some of the trees have buds on the branches. Everyone all wrapped up. This illness's and its treatments are so unpredictable,  it makes some really cold and others really hot, some can't sleep and others sleep alot, we just have to do our best. xx


  • Talking about interests, I have a great affinity for languages and almost all sports. I liked languages in school, did my O levels and wanted to study languages for A levels but unbelievably my dad told me to leave school and get a trade!

    About 10 years later the company I worked for went out of business. Happiest day of my life. After 1 week I got an unskilled job which I did for 35 years until I developed cancer and 3 months later a back condition and I ended up in a wheelchair.

    Well I took up studying French and Spanish in my 30s and did a degree with the Open University. Then for various reasons I took up Japanese, Russian and German. Along came the environment, the Solar System both with the OU ( I have more letters after my name than in my name!) And finally gardening including showing veg and I was Northern Ireland champion for some of them.

    I don't do things by halves.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Yes i know it does, and i am one that is really cold,, we have to get on with it, and look at the brighter side yes, it might be cold but a nicer thing is on it way, next thing, it will be to hot,

    You know what they say, the British do nothing but moan about the weather.

  • Wow tv man your a very intelligent man all those languages.  One of my brothers was like that,  he also played guitar, violin, and piano a house full of music alas when we all go in the front room to play and sing I was always given the tambourine or maracas. Lol.He passed 7 yrs ago from cancer. xx

  • That's so true Ellie, think it's just something to talk about alot of the time, having a flush at the moment, will have to put my waists  under the cold tap, it does work, on me anyway xx


  • Good morning all, I've never worried about anything I can't control just accept it.

    Today 2 things are happening 1 my first Rikie session this afternoon, 2 a birthday party tonight.

    123 wants to now what we like, family history, puzzle's, maths, keeping fit and spending time with my family, just a note fishing is for food only.