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Lovely Morning No 6, Spring will soon be here.

  • 976 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Another new one after Christmas No 5 has had over 900 replies, so new one and hopefully this will suit everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Had a bit drama here too. We had a lovely flurry of snow this morning. The local school panicked and called the parents to pick their sprogs up, they panicked and caused three prangs outside the school.. coppers had a field day. The snow was gone by 2.30 !! I've had a good day though, my mini daffies are peeping through and my lovely transit Mr T flew straight through his mot.. happy days !

  • Bit  of drama keeps you on your toes, that's for sure

  • Ho Ellie that's horrible, was it the guy you were taking to about the plans 

  • LOL No, Believe it or not, what the e mail was about today they are there, with big machinery, doing what i asked.

    I spoke to my next door neioughbour today as we where are in the same boat, asked if her partner would come in, when i know when they are coming round, need a mans point of view, but only a point, might not agree, lol

    Just got warm thank goodness, xx

  • Hope everyone gets a great rest tonight.  Feeling super tired here so I am hopeful! Good night all 

    M x 

  • Good Night Morton, Hope it is xxx

  • I was having a doze having recently joined the old persons club .... 70. Woke up and thought to share some thoughts.

    Now I am only a newbie but I would like to know more about people's interests on here.

    I know Ellie and Ulles have the same interest in women's underwear, the hormone treatment will soon see that memory disappear for us chaps.

    Old cars, I love them, 50s,60s,70s,80s. Use to do a bit of fishing,,intend to look at that again.

    Like to look at birds, those with feathers as well. So I am as odd as people on here imagine.


  • Well i can see your interest in old cars, nothing is made now a days that will last like they do,  and the craftmanship, is superior, than what one would call robot made, they last for ever.

    I  like words and do write a lot of poems, it gives me a great satisfaction.

     I  like learning as such, in subjects that interest me.

    , and have an interest in the after life, not for everyone, maybe that is a bit odd who knows.

    Never had time for hobbies when young, though now have the time and do make the most of it.

    Your not odd, we all do what suits us, fishing is very relaxing, i can mix bait, that's about as much about fishing i know.x

  • I love music. Holistic treatments,  you no reiki ,and the likes, cooking cakes , bread, various mealsI do believe  in spiritual  things. So there you go me to a T xx


  • We had similar Annette, I was in bed until lunchtime with the heated blanket on. Anyone else have a heated underblanket? It's very cheap to run


    Love life and family.