Travel Insurance.

  • 22 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi, I know this seems a bit trivial given our diagnosis but I’d really like to go to USA for a week but I’m finding travel insurance costs thousands, literally. can anyone recommend a company?   Many thanks Ali 

  • Try a company called " Insurance With".  A lot of members find them to be reasonable and competitively priced.  www [dot] insurancewith [dot] com.   Saying that, they just declined mine GGGRRRR Rage and I'm in tip-top shape, just the wrong side of a critical question. 

  • Agree fully with Mmum  used them quite a few times on cruises. Good luck.

  • Thanks Mmum.  Much appreciated. It’s so frustrating as I’m well.  I guess they worry about infections.  I’ll give them a try and I’m sorry they’ve declined you.  Ali 

    1. Great.  Thanks Dave. 
  • I went to California insurance with holiday safe only company with reasonable questions 

  • Hi Ali & Welcome as I don't think we've chatted before! I'm going to disagree with you as I don't think holidays or just getting away for even a short break are trivial! I think they are essential, especially because our diagnosis! I have been lots of places since dx. Some firms will not give you Insurance for U.S.A or Canada, others will not do Cruises. I am currently with with an annual policy. The stipulations are, the maximum we can go away for is 3 weeks and my oncologist must agree I am fit for the journey. In fact we are going away on 11th Feb for 3 weeks to Spain, to get away from the cold! The other companies I have had Travel Insurance with are M.I.A. and You have to phone when you have medical issues because the Internet will not give you an answer. 
    The first time I tried for ins I was quoted £9,000 for 4 weeks in Spain which was more than the cost of the holiday! I phoned 12 companies and finally got it from M.I.A going for 3 weeks for £342. Don't give up, keep phoning until you get what you want, that's what I do! There is also a dedicated "Travel Insurance" Post on this site. Try putting that into a search and hopefully it will come up! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you so much.  Will contact them too. Best wishes Ali

  • Hi Annette, thank you for this wise advice.  I will call these companies going forward.  I have an amazingly supportive oncologist and specialist nurses that will back up my health situation. Enjoy your travels, keep well. Best wishes Ali x

  • Hi   just popping by to tag the Travel insurance forum for cancer patients 

    group for you and any other members planning a holiday soon x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • I agree with anndanv, it's not trivial at all. My siblings are all abroad so if I want to see blood family, I have to travel. I got a good service from AllClear. The staff were helpful, got through straight away, questions were sensible and the quote cheaper than other providers. I would use them again. I have to go to Canada soon, I was quoted £2k for a week in the States which whilst it's a considerable sum is at least less than the £4k I was quoted elsewhere.