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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • Well laughing , thinking did i go wrong lol try before you buy, no but i could now lol lol xx

  • It was good thanks Morton. Did have plenty to drink and made plenty of noise but don't believe I did anything unwarranted! 

  • It just makes me sad that we met after my diagnoses, so he doesn’t know me pre cancer, so we missed out on my best years. But we are very happy, he is my world. Look at me being all soppy Joy 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Glad you enjoyed your party Dave and behaved  your self. Have you got a hang over after all that drink. Have a good day xx


  • Glad you had a good birthday party Dave. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Oh Chelle be as soppy as you like, just live your best life together,  that's all we can do xx

  • That's really nice Chelle, i got dx and tom kept me going, three years treatment, and 4 days before i finished he got dx, 8 10 months later he went, i could not believe it, i needed him to keep me going. then last year needed him, daughter got a dx devasted, but we go with it, you enjoy your life with your hubby, he loves you for you, xx

  • Hi Annette, I mean Mrs Tvman is retiring at the end of June this year. My fault for the confusion, I said next year when I meant this June. I had forgotten we are in 2023!! I can't remember what dayJoy it is most of the time, never mind the year Joy. We'll be seeing a lot more of each other, now is that a good thing or not, I wonder lol.

    I can understand that Nicola doesn't want to take Leah out of school when she will be doing so much work in P6 and P7. I don't know if Leah will be doing any sort of selection for High school, over here we still have a sort of selection procedure. It's set by the Grammar schools and not the Education Board and the children's post primary education is determined by the results. Controversial to say the least. 

    Sorry to hear that about your knee, I hope the new physio will work wonders. I can't begin to understand your knee pain, I wince when I think of it.

    Take care Annette

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman, ME and Ray are both retired, we rock on quit well. We do make sure we both have me time, me it's doing my exercises, Ray catches up on emails or goes on his bike. After dinner I watch my programs in 1 room and he does his thing in the othere room at 9pm we  have together time. You have your garden and Mrs Tvman can do her thing. Have a good day xx


  • No hangover thanks Moi due to keeping to the same drink ... Prosecco. 

    I am a bit of a tart so I love it, would have had probably close to three bottles!